Photography provided by Shami Shogou
Dharma Water
by Bishop Hirai from an October 2016 Dharma Talk
According to a member’s request, let me talk about ‘Ho sui (法水).’ Many members pray to Kishimojin sama in the small chapel on the left side of the temple. Do you notice that there is a blue jar on the right side on the counter? This jar holds water which is called ‘Ho sui.’ ‘Ho’ in this case means Dharma, or the teaching of the Buddha. ‘Ho sui’ means water of the Dharma, or water of the teachings. Why do we place the jar there? To allow worshipers to drink the water in order to purify themselves and receive supernatural power from Kishimojin sama. The water in the jar is regular tap water which we change every week. It is not a special water, just regular water, but I chant the sutra in front of it every morning and evening. Because of the daily chanting, the water receives the supernatural powers of Kishimojin sama and the Lotus Sutra. Then, it becomes ‘Ho sui’ and has the power to expel evil and purify us. When you are having a hard time, it is good to receive ‘Ho sui.’
How do we receive it? Firstly, pray to Kishimojin sama. Then, take a plastic cup and put a sip of water inside. Don’t take a full cup of water nor second or third since it is not to quench your thirst. Hold the cup with both hands and bow once toward Kishimojin sama. Drink it and bow once again. Put your empty cup into the rubbish bin there. If you have never done it before, you should try it. A small cup of water makes you refreshed and gives you power.
Shibori 絞り Indigo Dyeing
Conducted by TEMARI Center for Asian & Pacific Arts
Bon Dance, August 22, 2019
Bon Dance held September 4, 2010-at Nichiren Mission in Honolulu Hawaii. Video link by l shizumura.
Yoga (seated), with Debbie Park
Kito Blessing
Personally-requested Kito service conducted in Kishimojin room.