O'daimoku Healing (Universal Energy of the O'Daimoku)

June 2022


The definition of money changes according to its use. The Lotus Sutra is also the same. In darkness it becomes a lamp, when crossing a river, it becomes a boat or turns into water or fire. Thus, the Lotus Sutra teaches, “They will become peaceful in their present lives. In their future lives, they will have rebirths in good places, enjoy pleasures by practicing the (Bodhisattva’s) Way, and hear these teachings again.”

(Ch. 5) Nichiren at the age of 53 Yagenta Dono Gohenji






Rev. Shokai Kanai

Hoping for people all over the world to be able to be healed, I will broadcast a YouTube video, "Rev. Kanai’s O’Daimoku Healing" soon. After reciting “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo” for about 15 minutes, I will read “May we and all other living beings attain Buddhahood” as revealed in Chapter 7 of the Lotus Sutra.

Through YouTube, not only the people who chant or listen to my video but, also the people around them will be able to utilize the power of the O’Daimoku, just as money can be utilized for whatever he or she needs. Our chanting will heal all living creatures, and at the same time is for the deceased to help them attain the Enlightenment of the Buddha.

Please feel free to access the video 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you can't sleep, you can listen while in bed. Listen repeatedly. More details to follow.

I hope to have the YouTube video ready for broadcast sometime in June.

The reason why I am going to have this video message is to save the good and the bad, so world peace will be here. As Buddhists you may already know the origin of Obon. This is the story of Maudgalyayana, who was well-known for his supernatural powers among Buddha's ten disciples who was searching for where and how his late mother could be in the afterlife. As a result of her karma, she could not consume either food or water. Surprised to see her suffering in the Hungry Ghost Realm, he tried to feed her but, to no avail. The dutiful son followed the advice of Sakyamuni Buddha to have 500 monks read the Lotus Sutra for his suffering late mother and offered delicious food and drinks to the monks. As a result, she received their blessings and is said to have ascended to the Heavenly Realm. Therefore, during the Obon Memorial Services, various foods are offered.

Now, why did the mother who raised her son to become one of the Buddha's ten great disciples, fall into the Realm of Hungry Ghost? The reason was the selfish attitude of the mother. She pushed her own child to be number one at the detriment of other children and did not care what happened to the other people. That was the way she lived.

The teachings of the Lotus Sutra and the slogan of Minobusan Kuonji Temple is "Co-existence and Co-prosperity." The Mandala Gohonzon of the Ten Realms of our minds represents this slogan. If we want to make this world a heavenly world of good alone, we must eliminate evils and devils that oppose good.

World peace is never possible if your attitude is, “Just for me, not for them,” or “Kill all of them who are obstacles to me or who do not please me.” Instead, it is important to say, “May we and all other living beings attain Buddhahood” as revealed in Chapter 7 of the Lotus Sutra.

My video is also aimed for those who are deceased from COVID-19, the war dead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and all our ancestors so that they may all attain the Enlightenment of the Buddha.




「自分だけ良ければ、他はどうなっても良い」という自己愛では、世界平和は決して実現しません。法華経の化城喩品に「願わくばこの功徳を以て、普く一切に及ぼし、我等と衆生と皆共に仏道を成ぜん」という言葉を語り続ける事が大事だと私は思います。その事を世界中の人々が気軽に唱える事が出来るように「Rev. Kanai’s O’DAIMOKU HEALING」のユーチューブを近々世界中に配信します。お題目を約15分間唱えた後に、先の経文を読みます。お題目を唱えると唱えた人だけでなく回りの人やすべての生き物、そして同時に死者も成仏する癒やしのユーチューブです。今月の聖語にある通り、お題目はお金と同じで必要に応じて役目が変わり望みの効果が現れます。24時間いつでも気軽にアクセスできます。



