Even You Can Become a Nichiren Shu Minister

December 2021


“Strive to carry out the two ways of practice and learning. Without practice and learning, Buddhism will cease to exist. Endeavor yourself and cause others to practice these two ways of practice and learning which stem from faith. If possible, spread even a word or a phrase of the sutra to others.”

Nichiren’s Words, “Shoho Jisso Sho”






Bishop Shokai Kanai

This will be my third-year anniversary since I was installed as the Head Priest of Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii. But do you recall my installation message on December 9, 2018?

I said, “My goal at this temple is to educate and raise Dharma teachers, lay-leaders, substitutes of Nichiren Shu priests, part-time ministers, and full-time ministers. These Dharma teachers should be American born especially people born and raised in Hawaii.”

Since my installation, Shami Shougou (Mr. Kalei Kini) vowed to be trained as a priest on February 16, 2020. He missed DOCHO-KOFU (official recognition ceremony to be held at Mt. Kiyosumi), twice already because of COVID-19 travel restrictions. Since he retired in December 2020, he has come to this temple every morning, chants together with me, and helps to keep our temple clean and neat for everyone.

There is another person who will be fully retired at the end of this year. Ms. Claire Ariyoshi will take the oath to be trained as an assistant minister on January 22, 2022. Another candidate will be Mr. Mikio Tomioka who is an immigrant from Japan and has lived in Hawaii for many years. Both have been training to assist me together with Shougou Kini since 2019.

So, if you are interested in becoming a priest, a part-time minister is someone who has a steady job and a steady income, so they are not dependent on the salary from a temple or a mission. In other words, you will be a minister on the weekend but still keep your job during the week. Or you may be a retiree looking for a more meaningful life other than traveling or watching the grandkids - so you too can be a minister serving the temple on a part time basis.

But, if you would like to dedicate your life and become a full-time minister, it takes a minimum of five to six years of training and education, many travels to Japan, and the rigorous completion of Shingyo Dojo (the official 35-day training at Mt. Minobu).

Now, I am looking for a college student or a college graduate who wishes to become a Nichiren Shu priest and I am hoping that our temple directors will invest in such a candidate financially after the 800 Year Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s Birthday. This young candidate needs to overcome many hardships physically, mentally, and financially. They must go to a Japanese language school in Japan for one year and must be trained at a temple like Minobusan Kuonji Temple in Japan for three or four years. They may also take the TOKUDO (oath to become a Nichiren Shu priest) on January 22, 2022. So, if you know of a young candidate, please notify me by the end of this year, so I can order the white and black robes together among other things. And good news for females – they do not need to cut their hair!

“I am committed to educate and train all of you, little by little. That is my goal at Nichiren Mission of Hawaii.” - Bishop Shokai Kanai










 現在大学に在籍中か既に卒業した青年男女で「ハワイの人々の為に日蓮宗僧侶に志願したい方」は今年末までに金井勝海に相談して下さい。 来年1月22日の得度式に間に合うよう白衣と黒衣を注文しなければなりません。


The Six Paramitas to Reach the Other Shore, Hi'gan (middle way and the harmony of Buddha's compassion)

March 2021


“Each phrase and character of this sutra is truly a Buddha. The teachings of the Buddha truly benefit all living beings. Upon hearing this sutra once, you will have heard all the Teachings, as this sutra contains all the Dharma. Even though you have not practiced the Six Paramitas, the Paramitas will appear naturally in your mind. All negative karma and sufferings come from delusion. All negative karma will disappear just as the morning dew disappears with the morning sun.”

Senkyo Chodai by Nichiren





The Six Practices to Reach the Other Shore, Hi’gan

Rev. Shokai Kanai

Higan or “the other shore” is the week; three days before the equinox and three days after the equinox during Spring and Autumn. During this week we, Buddhists, hold Higan memorial service at temples and visit cemeteries or columbarium for our ancestors. This is typically a Japanese Buddhist custom only.

Why is it only a Japanese custom? This is because when Buddhism was introduced into Japan during the 6th Century, this new foreign religion and culture were practiced only by the imperial family and noble classes. Then, Emperor Kanmu (781-806) wished that the teaching of the Middle Way and Harmony of Buddha’s compassion should inspire the ordinary people as well. So, the emperor officially announced to hold a holiday during the equinoxes of both Spring and Autumn. The reason for the holidays was for the public, especially farmers and peasants, to rest on the middle day of both Higans, after seeding in Spring and before harvest in Autumn, to show their appreciation toward their ancestors, to cherish all living beings, and to admire nature.

Today we hardly see farmers around us, but there are many people who work hard day and night and suffer from poverty, debt, human relationships, sickness, and advanced age. Therefore, Buddha says that “this shore” is full of suffering. The cause of suffering is ignorance, attachment, and anger. When we are free from these sufferings, we will reach “the other shore” or Higan. How to reach “the other shore” is to practice the Six Paramitas as follows:

Offering = To give something to others

Keeping the rules = to follow the rules where you belong

Perseverance = to be patient

Effort = to strive or not to give up

Concentration = to control you mind righteously

Wisdom = to realize truth of all things

The above six practices are always inter-related. For instance, when you give something to others, your action involves following the rules, knowing patience of the best time to give, continuing the act of giving, knowing the right way to give, and realizing the beneficial gift for him or her. Not only are these practices for your sake but also for others’ sake, too. Therefore, the Six Paramita is the Way of Bodhisattvas.

The Six Paramitas are not only to be practice during Higan seasons, but also as everyday practice. In other words, when you suffer from sickness, old age, human relationships, and debt; this world is shi-gan. When you are satisfied with daily life and happy at every moment, you are on “the other shore,” HI-GAN. By practicing the Six Paramitas daily, we relieve our suffering as we gradually move more towards “the other shore” and realizing our inner Buddha.

This month’s SACRED WORDS are a part of the special prayer that you hear at the end of Kito blessing every first Sunday. This means that even if you cannot practice the Six Paramitas, once you see and hear the Lotus Sutra, your bad karma and suffering will vanish just as if the morning dew which naturally evaporates when the sun shines. To practice chanting Odaimoku is to perform the Six Paramitas.


















Anniversary for the Birth of Nichiren Shonin is Coming in Under a Year (I wish to hold Tokudo Ceremony)

February 2021


Rivers come together to form an ocean. Particles of dust accumulate to become Mt. Sumeru. When I, Nichiren, began having faith in the Lotus Sutra, it was like a drop of water or a particle of dust in Japan. However, when the sutra is chanted and transmitted to two, three, ten, a million, and a billion people, it will grow to be Mt. Sumeru of perfect enlightenment or the great ocean of Nirvana. There is no way other than this to reach Buddhahood.

Nichiren Shonin, Senji-Sho





800th Anniversary for the Birth of Nichiren Shonin Is coming in Under a Year

Rev. Shokai Kanai

If the COVID-19 pandemic ceases and the people in Hawaii are safe, then the Archbishop will be able to travel safely to Hawaii for the 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s birth, which will be held on January 23rd, 2022. Until then, we cannot make any concrete decisions. In the meantime, some of our members have already received their first vaccine shot. I have made my appointment as well.

Although we cannot foresee how the pandemic will affect us in January 2022, I wish to hold TOKUDO (Taking Precepts) Ceremony for several candidates on January 22nd, a day before the ceremony. Preparing for this important ceremony, the timing is right because of the “Stay-at-Home” order, I have been holding three ZOOM Meetings: 1) Reading the entire Lotus Sutra in English to bring World Peace, to overcome COVID-19, and for the deceased to attain Buddhahood every evening at 5 pm, 2) Practice chanting “YOHON” (selected chapters of the Lotus Sutra) in Japanese every Monday evening, 3) Study Class on the Lotus Sutra Thursday evenings. Sometimes we have 10 or more participants. Among these attendees, I wish someone will speak up, “I want to be a Nichiren Shu priest!” Or “I wish to be an assistant!”

Shami Shougou Kini took his oath to become a Nichiren Shu priest in February 2020. He came to temple to chant YOHON in Japanese every weekend throughout the years. After his retirement, he further trained as a shami (apprentice priest) every day at the temple. He especially took care of the lotus pond and surrounding areas.

In addition, Mikio Tomioka also wishes to become a Nichiren Shu priest. He has been training together with Shami Shougou since 2019. I wish more people would follow them.

In August this year, I am planning to hold a seminar for those who would like to learn more about practicing Nichiren Shu rituals and teachings. Through this seminar and Zoom Meetings, some candidates may come to me wishing to become a priest, an assistant priest, or a Lay leader. Will you be one of them?

日蓮大聖人ご降誕800年ハワイ大会開催 1年後に迫る







Happy New Year! (To win against COVID-19 is to appreciate more. Odaimoku is a spell to become happier)

January 2021


[This person] will be able to eliminate the darkness, Of the living beings of the world where [they] walk about, Just as the light of the sun and moon, Eliminate all darkness.

Lotus Sutra, Chapter 21


日月の光明が世間の暗闇を除く事が出来るように、 この人は衆生の心の暗闇を除く事ができます。



Rev. Shokai Kanai

According to a Japanese astrological calendar, 2021 is the Sixth Star in the Nine Star Fortune and 辛丑 (Kanoto Ushi) in the Zodiac Calendar. Kanoto means distress. Ushi or the year of Ox denotes the hours between 1 AM and 3 AM, as well as early spring. Thus, the planted seeds in soil are in the beginning process of germination. These special calendars suggest that 2021 will still be a continuation of the current pandemic.

What is COVID-19 trying to tell us? I guess that the Era of Materialism has comes to an end. We thought that money could buy anything in the past, especially after the WWII.

Many people talk about the Era of Spiritualism is coming. I agree. Oahu Island where my wife and I live has ocean, rivers, and mountains full of green trees. It seems to be a paradise for us. Especially Nuuanu, where Nichiren Mission of Hawaii is located, has two famous forest hiking trails that I hike for therapeutic purposes. The thick trees embrace me as if I am living together with nature. I receive their rejuvenating energy to re-charge my batteries.

In the above sacred words from the Lotus Sutra; “[This person] will be able to eliminate the darkness, Of the living beings,” is Nichiren Shonin, the founder of the Odaimoku. He gave us the medicine to eliminate all our sufferings. Most Nichiren Shu deceased members receive their Buddhist Names included with “Nichi” just like Nichiren. This is for our assurance in becoming Buddhas in the future.

To win against COVID-19, it is important for us to appreciate more of nature and the great universe. Since I completed the first Nichiren Shu 100 Days ARAGYO Training at the age of 29, I have been chanting the above quotation, “Nyo Nichi Gak-ko Myo, No Jo Sho Yu Myo, Shi Nin Gyo Se Ken, No Mes-Shu Jo An” (DHARMA, p. 48) as a special spell a few times a day facing either to the sun or the moon. I also copy the baby Buddha statue pose of pointing with my right index finger to the sky while pointing my left index finger to the earth. I recite, “From heaven to the earth, I am the most honored one!” I bring in the father universal energy from above and scoop up the mother earth energy from the ground with both my hands. This is my way of showing appreciation to the universe and nature, in that we all live together. This is a way to keep healthy and act energetically.

Another of my methods of living together in the universe is as follows: From about five days before the full moon, I face towards the moon each night. I repeatedly say that my wish has just been fulfilled. (Do not try after the full moon because the shape has already begun to shift.) Most of my long-term goals were realized in this manner. Moreover, my missionary work in Hawaii has materialized for me without expectation. The Lotus Sutra says in Chapter Four, “…the great treasures of the King of the Dharma have come to us although we did not seek them,” If you recite the above-mentioned Sacred Words for many decades, you will receive more than you expected in the future.

Would you like to follow my example by repeating the Sacred Words starting from New Year’s Day? Over 40 years has passed since I began this endeavor; therefore, I like to say, “To continue is the source of great power!”








 今後、疫病に打ち勝つためには、自然と大宇宙に感謝することが大切と思います。私は、29歳で日蓮宗大荒行堂を成満した時から、太陽と月に向い上記の法華経の呪文「如日月光明 能除諸幽冥 斯人行世間 能滅衆生闇」を毎日数回唱えています。その上、釈尊がご降誕なされた時になされたように、右手人指し指を天に向け、左人差し指を地に向け「天上天下 唯我独尊」と口の中で唱えて、大宇宙のエネルギーを体いっぱいに吸い込んで大宇宙と大自然に感謝しています。

 また、満月が近づくと、お月様に向かって自分が将来実現したい願望を「今まさに成就したように」唱えて感謝します。こうして私はほぼ自分が思った通りの人生を送っています。さらにハワイでの布教活動は求めてもいなかった事が実現したのです。まさに法華経で説かれている「無量珍宝 不求自得」です。「求めなくても宝が与えられる」という意味です。上記の聖語を真面目に長年唱えていると、自分のノゾミ以上の事が実現します。


A Letter to a Seriously Ill Woman

November 2021


To begin with there are two kinds of illnesses: minor and major. Even a major illness can be cured, and the life span lengthened if a skillful physician is available to treat it immediately, to say nothings of a minor illnesses. Also, there are two kinds of karma: mutable karma and immutable karma. Even an immutable karma will inevitably disappear when fully atoned for, to say nothing of a mutable karma. The Lotus Sutra says in Chapter 23, “This sutra is a good medicine for the diseases of the people of the world.” . . . Therefore, when I prayed for the recovery of my ill mother through the Lotus Sutra, not only did she actually recover from her illness but also extended her life span by four years.

Nichiren Dai’Shonin "Kaen Jogo Sho"


 病には2種類あります。重病と軽病です。重病でも良い医者に早くかかれば完治し寿命を長らえる事ができます。軽病は、言うまでもありません。業にも2種類あります。定業(ジョウゴウ)と不定業です。定業(宿命的業)でも一生懸命に懺悔すれば必ず消えます。不定業は言うまでもない事です。法華経に「此ノ経ハ即チ閻浮提ノ人の病ノ良薬也」と説かれています。. . . 私日蓮は母の病気平癒を祈った結果、現実に病を癒やしたのみならず、四ケ年の寿命を延ばす事ができました。 




Rev. Shokai Kanai

The above Sacred Words are parts of a letter from Nichiren Dai’Shonin addressed to Jonin Toki’s sick wife. He advises a good medical doctor, Shijo Kingo, to make a diagnosis using his strong faith in the Lotus Sutra. In addition, Nichiren Shonin describes an example of his sick mother’s and living another four years.

Eleven years before his mother became sick on April 28, 1253, Nichiren, at the age of 31, chanted “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo” in public and delivered his first sermon at Seicho-ji Temple. However, due to his bitter criticism on the Nembutsu faith, he received the hateful ire Tojo Kagenobu, an estate steward of Awa Kominato. Thus, he was excommunicated by his master Dozenbo and expelled from the Temple. Therefore, even if his father passed away, he could not return to his hometown.

The news of "Mother is critically ill!" caused Nichiren to go home. He returned to Awa at the risk of his life and met his seriously ill mother at her bedside. His mother who saw the appearance of her son for the first time in 11 years was filled with infinite emotion. In response, Nichiren nursed his mother from the bottom of his heart and prayed for her recovery from sickness. The result was as stated in the Sacred Word above.

The joyfulness of the mother/son reunion encouraged the mother who lay down on her sick bed to receive Nichiren's pure and sincere prayer, which finally brought about his mother's revival. She was able live another four years.

  I wake up before sunrise every morning, receive the reiki of the universe, and after chanting, I send the energy of the universe and radiances of O’Daimoku to all the believers in the Lotus Sutra in the state of Hawaii. During the morning service, I offer a memorial prayer to all their ancestors, recite the Dharani Spells to Deity Kishimojin, and pray, “Reject the plague of all members, heal the disease, and turn this great calamity into a small calamity, and small calamity turns into no calamity at all. NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO!”








Prophet Nichiren, Savior of the Mappo Era (Rishho Ankoku Ron, True Expounder of the Lotus Sutra)

October 2021


The Buddha preached in the Nirvana Sutra, “Various sufferings of all the people will be borne by Me alone.” Likewise, I now declare, “All the sufferings of all the people going to hell will all be borne by Nichiren alone.”

Kangyo Hachiman-Sho, Nichiren





Prophet Nichiren, Savior of the Mappo Era

Rev. Shokai Kanai

From the February issue of this year, I have been writing about Nichiren Dai’Shonin almost every month in accordance with when he was being persecuted. October is the month when he passed away, but I have not yet mentioned a few important matters. They are the materialization of his prediction about foreign invasion described in Rissho Ankoku Ron which came eight years later and Nichiren Shonin becoming the real expounder of the Lotus Sutra.

In last month's issue, I mentioned that one of the reasons for the Tatsu-no-kuchi Persecution was his victory in challenging to make it rain, but another reason was that the prophecy of the attack from a foreign country in "Rissho Ankoku Ron” came to reality. A few official messengers from Mongolia came to Kamakura demanding tributes. Thus, Nichiren sent letters to eleven people, including the Kamakura Shogunate, Ryokan of Gokuraku-ji Temple and other high rank priests in Kamakura. It said, "If you do not immediately reconsider your faith in the Nembutsu and Zen and change to the Lotus Sutra, Mongolia will attack Japan and this country will be destroyed."

In response, the priests issued a false lawsuit to the shogunate, and the government decided to exile Nichiren to Sado Island. On the way, Yoritsuna, driven by with his own hatred, tried to execute Nichiren. But the execution was suddenly interrupted by a miraculous fireball which flew from Enoshima Island where a Deity Dragon is enshrined. The execution failed and the exile continued towards Sado Island.

From this miracle, Nichiren was awakened to the realization that he was the rebirth of Jogyo or Superior-Practice Bodhisattva predicted in Chapter 15 of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren said in Kaimokusho, “A man called Nichiren was beheaded at Tatsu-no-kuchi, a little after midnight of the twelfth day of the ninth month of the last year. His soul remained and came here to the island of Sado.” This is similar to when Jesus Christ was crucified but resurrected three days later.

In Christianity, just as Jesus carried the sins of all men, Nichiren shouldered all the sins of the people in the Mappo Era as stated in this month’s Sacred Words. The great sins for which Nichiren bore were to speak ill of the Lotus Sutra, to ignore Sakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra, and to cause disturbance to the expounders of the Lotus Sutra. This means that all people who persecuted him will also be able to be saved if they chant the Odaimoku sincerely. Thus, it says, “We can expiate our past transgressions, do good deeds, and attain Buddhahood by the merit of this sutra. It does not matter whether we are wise or not, or whether we believe the sutra or slander it,” in Verses for Opening the Sutra.

In other words Nichiren was the Buddhist savior for all people in the Mappo Era.

I think we must be more aware of the greatness of Nichiren and seriously recite the Odaimoku. I hope everyone understands him much better than before.










The Challenge to Make It Rain (Severe drought of 1271)

September 2021


I still remember vividly how you accompanied me to Tatsunokuchi holding a horse by the bridle, and breaking into tears when I was about to be beheaded there. I will never forget this no matter how many lifetimes come and go. If by chance you should fall into hell, I will refuse the invitation of Sakyamuni Buddha to become a Buddha. Instead, I will go to hell with you. If we both entered hell, how could it be possible that we would not find Sakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra there? Nichiren, Sushun Teno Gosho





The Challenge to Make it Rain

Rev. Shokai Kanai

According to US Drought Monitor, ninety percent of the Western states are in severe drought. Farmers and ranchers are suffering. Everyone is facing water cutbacks. We live in Hawaii, a paradise with lots of rain. However, most of our food depends on the US mainland especially from these western states.

In 1271 extreme drought beset Japan. Due to a continuous drought, the Kamakura Shogunate ordered Ryokan-bo Ninsho of Gokurakuji Temple to pray for rain. Ryokan was a Buddhist priest who observed the 250 monastic precepts and constructed many roads and bridges. So, he was revered by the people as a living Buddha. The prayer for rain was scheduled for one week, Nichiren Shonin took advantage of the situation and sent a letter to the priest, “If you pray for rain and after seven days are successful; I, Nichiren, will become your disciple, take the 250 precepts, and cease saying that the Pure-Land teachings lead to the Hell of Incessant Suffering. If rain does not fall, you will become my disciple. I will teach you how to make it rain.” Not only was there no rain, but instead, a strong windstorm began to ravage the area instead. Nichiren gave him another seven days for him to make it rain. No sign of rain. Then, Nichiren took it upon himself and began to pray for rain near a pond asking for assistance from all the Dragon King Deities. That evening rain fell to nourish the dry earth and thirsty souls.

Defeated and having lost face, Ryokan spoke with the eminent priests of all the other schools. They submitted a false suit against Nichiren to the Shogunate. One of the charges was that Nichiren stored arms. When his samurai followers gathered to listen his Dharma Talks, they naturally carried their swords. But these high-ranking priests claimed it was a terrorist gathering.

On September 12, 1271, at 4 PM, Hei-no-Saemon-no-jo Yoritsuna, chief of military and police affairs, brought several hundred soldiers, attacked the hermitage and arrested Nichiren Shonin. It was officially decided to exile Nichiren to Sado Island; however, there was a private scheme to execute him along the way to the residence of Lord Honma, who oversaw Sado Island.

Nichiren Shonin was put astride a saddleless horse and paraded through the street like a common criminal. As they were about to pass the Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine, he requested the procession to stop. Facing the shrine he declared, “Here stands the sole practitioner for the Lotus Sutra who is about to be beheaded. Are you a real god who has promised to protect the practitioner for the Lotus Sutra? … Do something in hurry or I shall report to Lord Sakyamuni Buddha on Mount Sacred Eagle when I go there!”

Hearing that his master was to be executed, Shijo Kingo and his brothers rushed to Nichiren’s procession and seized the bridle. He already decided to commit seppuku to serve his master even after his death. The Sacred Words in this newsletter was given to Shijo Kingo on September 11th at Minobu seven years after the incident. These words show how Nichiren felt about his follower’s sincerity and appreciation. It is oneness with the master and the followers.

At 2 AM on September 13th, the entourage brought Nichiren to Tatsunokuchi Execution ground. They decided to execute him there.

Now, is this the end of Nichiren Shonin’s life? Please look forward to the Dharma Talk on Sunday, September 12th. Or please read page 2 of our last year September Newsletter.





 日蓮大聖人ご存命の1271年に極端な干ばつが日本を襲いました。鎌倉幕府は、建長寺の良寛忍正に雨乞いの祈祷を命じました。良寛は250戒の戒律を厳守する律宗の僧侶で、道を作り川に橋を架けたり等色々な慈善事業をしていましたので多くの人々から「生き仏」と尊敬されていました。そこで良寛は1週間の雨乞いをすることを公表しました。日蓮大聖人はこの機会を利用して良寛和尚に手紙を送り「7日間以内に雨が降ったなら、日蓮はあなたの弟子になり250の戒律を守り“念仏を唱えると地獄に堕ちる”と言うのを止めましょう。 もし雨が降らなかったなら、貴殿は戒律を捨てて私の弟子になるが良いでしょう。」と挑戦しました。ところが、降雨の代わりに暴風がこの地域を荒らし始めました。日蓮大聖人は彼にもう1週間のチャンスを与えましたが、降雨の兆候はありません。そこで日蓮大聖人は、池のほとりに龍神を祀り雨乞いを始めました。その夜雨が降り、乾燥した大地と渇いた人々の魂を癒すことができました。








Matsu-ba-ga-yatsu Persecution (August 27, 1960 attempt to assassinate Nichiren Dai'Shonin)

August 2021


First of all, I, Nichiren, wrote RISSHO ANKOKU RON motivated by the severe earthquake which occurred in the eighth month of the first year of Shoka(1257).

I then submitted it to Hojo Tokiyori, lay-priest of the Saimyoji Temple, in the seventh month of the first year of the Bunno (1260). The Shogunate; however, did not question to me about it, nor accept my suggestion.

The people might have thought that it would not be a crime to kill such a monk of whom the Shogunate had no use. With the secret consent of monks and lay followers of the Pure Land Sect, as well as certain men in power, thousands of people attacked to kill me in my hut at night. However, I was somehow saved from the attack that night, and those who attacked me were not punished at all because they had acted under the secret consent of those in power. The Shogunate thus greatly erred in governing.

Nichiren, The Shimoyama Letter






Matsu-ba-ga-yatsu Persecution

Rev. Shokai Kanai

On August 27, 1260 a ruthless mob tried to assassinate Nichiren Shonin by torching his small hut at night. A legend states that before the arson, a white monkey appeared and tugged on the sleeves of the Saint's robe, so he followed the monkey and climbed into the mountains to safety. (The hut’s location is now AnkokuRon-Ji, where Rev. Chishin Hirai, the former chief minister of the Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii, is the resident priest. You can see the small hill behind the temple.) After a while, when the 38 year-old Nichiren Shonin looked back from whence he came, his hut was already in a sea of fire. This is the beginning of many persecutions that followed in the Saint’s life.

The great Saint left Kamakura, staying at the house of Jonin Toki, who was the lord of present-day Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, and gave lectures for 100 days on the Lotus Sutra. This was also the reason for opening Dai Aragyo-Do 100 Days Ascetic Training at this location.

Two thousand years have passed since Buddha’s death; the Mappo Era has already started. It is said that there was no salvation of Buddhahood even though there are Buddhist scriptures. Most people in the Mappo Era thought that "This world was considered as defiled as dirty soil without the salvation of Buddha. So, Saint Honen thought there was no salvation through the scriptures except relying on chanting the name of Amida Buddha, who was the only savior for the people in the Mappo Era. On the other hand, Saint Dogen thought the scriptures did not lead to salvation but believed that the awakening was only obtained by an individual's psychological experience by doing zazen. Saint Nichiren thought that the Lotus Sutra explained the law of heaven and earth. The teachings of Myo-ho-ren-ge-kyo shows the Buddha’s ultimate awakening; therefore, to chant the title of that sutra was the ability to change disasters of nature into a more harmonious world. It was a teaching that when the people acted according to the laws, peace and happiness of all sentient beings would naturally awaken to reality.

Similarly, when it is hot, you wear light clothes while when cold you wear thick clothes. Wear a mask when the plague is spreading, wash your hands, and get vaccinated. These are the current laws. Reach out to those in need, and drive safely according to traffic rules, then you will be blessed with safety and happiness. “Namu Myo-ho Ren-ge Kyo” is a vow that "I shall follow righteousness!” Act accordingly with your body, talk honestly with your mouth, and think virtuously with your heart. This is the rationale that will automatically bestow peace and happiness within you and with nature.

Diseases, accidents, disasters, and epidemics all occur because human beings do not obey the law of harmony. These are the warning signs for us all. If we obey the right laws, we will be more harmonious and content.









How Do We Live in the Age of the Mappo Era

July 2022


In recent years, strange phenomena in the sky, natural calami-ties on earth, famines, and epidemics have occurred and spread over all the land of Japan. Oxen and horses lie dead at crossroads and the streets are filled with skeletons. Most of the population have perished and have been touched by grief.

“Rissho Ankoku Ron”




How do we live in the age of the Mappo Era?

Rev. Shokai Kanai

As you already may know, 1222 is the year Nichiren Dai’Shonin was born, and that 1052 was the beginning of the Mappo Era. Map-po means a period when only the Buddha’s teachings remained, the practices were no longer pursued, and Enlightenment was a mere word, therefore, no possibility of salvation. However, there are three ways to accept this era of Mappo:

1. In this world, when no one can be saved, it became trendy to seek happiness in the afterlife. The belief was that no training was necessary, so even both the good and the bad who chanted “Namu Amida Butsu,” would be taken to Gokuraku Jodo or the “Extreme Pure Land" after their death. This Idea became popular around the 10th century just before the Mappo Era began. This was a way of life of not worrying about their condition in this life since Amida Buddha will help them to the Pure Land.

2. Apart from that, the Zen idea of immersing yourself in zazen (meditation) training, "Not relying on scriptures, but having no purpose, thinking about nothing, and just sitting down" spread among intellectuals and samurais. This was another way of life focused on non-attachment to navigate the hardships brought on during the Mappo Era.

3. Seeing the great earthquakes, plagues, famines, and starvations that occurred at the beginning of those years, Nichiren looked for the causes and solution in Buddhist scriptures. After reading all the sutras for four years in search of a way to eliminate such calamities, Nichiren Dai’Shonin said, "The caus-es of these calamities were where the people of Japan neglected the Righteousness (the Lotus Sutra), burned the sutra, threw the statues of Sakyamuni Buddha in ocean, but worshiped the statues of Amida Buddha.” He found revealed in the sutras that if the truth were not circulated, a revolt would occur in the

country, and foreign countries would invade." This was July 16, 1260 (he was 39 years old) when he compiled his now famous treatise Rissho Ankoku Ron and submitted it to the Shogunate. That was 781 years ago from today. Do you think these warnings apply to this period of suffering with COVID-19 which has spread all over the world and caused over 3.8 million casualties as of June 12, 2021?

Rissho Ankoku means that, "If you obey the right laws, the world will become peaceful, and people will live in safety.” For those who do not understand this theory, Nichiren Dai’Shonin showed a simple way practicing righteousness through the chanting of the sacred title of the Lotus Sutra, “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.” He was a reformer in the Mappo Era.

The above photo is the first page of "Rissho Ankoku Ron," donated to the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii. It is stored in a special box made of Hawaiian KOA wood. If you wish, you can view it. The sacred words in this month are the first four lines of the page.



既に皆様はご承知の通り、日蓮大聖人がお生まれになられた1222年は、仏滅後2千170年の末法時代の始まりでした 。この末法の時代を


1. この世では何をしても救われない時代なら、死後の世で幸せを求めようという風潮になり、「修行などはいらない、悪人も善人も南無阿弥陀仏と唱えさえすれば極楽浄土へ往生する」という念仏信仰が末法が始まる前の10世紀頃から流行しました。念仏さえ唱えれば、阿弥陀様が助けて下さるから心配ないという生き方です。

2. それとは別に「経典に頼るのではなく、何も目的を持たず、何も考えず、ただ座る」という座禅修行に没頭するという禅の思想が知識層や武家の間にひろまりました。末法思想に囚われない生き方です





Let Us Repay Our Favors (reciting the Lotus Sutra)

June 2021


“Those who learn Buddhism must repay the four favors. 1. The favor received from all people = We vow to save all people in the Four Great Vows: “Sujo Muhen Seigando.” If we do not return the favor then, we cannot fulfill the vow. Among them, if there were no wicked men who persecuted me as a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra, how can I promote my practice as a Bodhisattva? 2. The favor received from one’s parents = All living beings have parents. If one’s parent was a murderer, a criminal, or a slanderer of the Righteous Law, the child may have to continue to carry the sin. However, my parents made me practice the Lotus Sutra. How precious their favors are! 3. The favor received from one’s lord = We are blessed with the rays of the sun, the moon, and stars and we also receive benefits from the earth which produces the five grains. These are all favors from the lord. I have been persecuted from the lord because of the Lotus Sutra; however, that persecution led me to attain Buddhahood. How could I dishonor the lord with such a small resentment! 4. The favor received from the Three Treasures (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha) = … Without firewood, there would be no fire, and without the earth, plants would not live. Likewise, without a monk, the Buddha and the Dharma would not be spread. If you neglect the expounder of the sutra; the Buddha and the Dharma would not exist in the Mappo Era.

“Shi-On-Sho” Nichiren

聖語 四恩




Let Us Repay Our Favors

Rev. Shokai Kanai

Nichiren Dai’Shonin recited O’Daimoku for the first time at Mt. Kiyosumi in April at the age of 31. After-wards, he stood at a crossroad in Kamakura and preached the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. He wrote “Rissho Ankoku Ron” or “Establishment of the Righteousness and Security of the Nation” to the Kamakura Shogunate at the age of 38 in July. The shogunate did not respond to it in any way, but a month later a mob torched his hut in Matsubagaya in Kamakura. Fortunately, he escaped from the arson and moved to Lord Toki’s home in Ichikawa and gave lectures on the Lotus Sutra to his followers for 100 days. Those people who thought he perished in the fire were extremely surprised to see Nichiren preaching in the streets again. This time, the government officials immediately captured him and exiled him to Izu Peninsula without any trial. This was May when he was 39 years old.

Nichiren was pleased with his adversity of being exiled! He expressed his feeling and appreciation in “Shi-On-Sho” or "Four Favors”. Why Four Favors? He wrote that during the last eight years, he was too busy preaching, meeting with many follow-ers, and consulting with his followers’ day and night. So, he had been reciting only one volume of the sutra a day or one chapter, or just Odaimoku chanting. However, during the last 240 days since May 12th, I have been delighted to have time to recite the entire Lotus Sutra day and night. He expressed his grateful feeling in the “Four Favors.” They are:

1.The favor from all the people = Nichiren was exiled for disturbing society but was grateful that he became a predicted preacher of the Lotus Sutra in the Mappo Era. He proved what the sutra said to be true.

2.The favor received from one’s parents = More than thanks to the parents by ordinary people, he was grateful for the fact that his parents made him believe in the Lotus Sutra. He had not actually lived with his parents since he left home at the age of 12. He was not able to attend his father’s funeral and could not visit his father’s grave. But it was possible for him to master Buddha’s Right Teachings, as a result his parents became Buddhas. This is him returning a great debt toward his parents.

3. The favor received from one’s lord = In addition to general favors to our country like loyalty to the country and paying taxes, Nichiren believed that his

way of repaying the country was to make Japan peaceful and secure by avoiding foreign invasion, civil war, and natural disasters. He wished peace, security, and protection from sufferings with the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.

4.The favor received from the Three Treasures = It is to devote ourselves to the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. Nichiren saw that the Buddha was the Eternal Original Teacher revealed in the Chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra. The act of slandering the Buddha, the Lotus Sutra, and the Preacher of the sutra was a great sin. This is revealed in Chapter 3 of the sutra. He believed that to block the way to hell was to chant the Lotus Sutra and to tell the world about it. He also thanked the government who exiled him. In fact, it was predicted in the sutra. These were the reasons why he was pleased with being persecuted.

While Nichiren Dai’Shonin accepted the difficulties with gratitude, he was displeased with the result that he had let the slanderers and the government authorities create such a great sin which could not be erased. His honest feeling of pleasure and displeasure made him write “SHI-ON-SHO!”

I sincerely wish YOU will understand Nichiren Dai’Shonin’s deep compassion.











法難を法悦と受け止められた一方で、大聖人を流罪にした 謗法者には、消すことの出来ない悪業をつくらせてしまった事への腹立たしさを感じた結果がこの『四恩鈔」を書く理由となったのです。


Izu Exile Persecution (May 21, 1261) (the Difficulty of Retaining the Sutra)

May 2021


On the twelfth of the fifth month (1261), I was marooned on a beach, the name of which was unknown to me. I suffered much, and you came to my rescue. What was the relation between you and me in our previous existence? Did you practice the teaching of the Lotus Sutra in your previous life? You are a man, and a man can be courageous. I was surprised that your wife was as brave as you in serving an exile. She gave me food, water, and many other necessities.

Funa-mori Yasaburo Gosho





Izu Exile Persecution (May 21, 1261)

Rev. Shokai Kanai

The 800th Anniversary for Nichiren Shonin’s Birth is scheduled for January 23, 2022. We still have several months to go. During this time, I would like for everyone to know and understand who Nichiren Dai’Shonin was. This month I would like to talk about the Izu Exile Persecution.

The above picture is a scene from “The Pictorial Life of Saint Nichiren” published by Minobusan Kuonji Temple in 1973. This picture is from a pictorial scroll from the Kamakura era that has been directly transposed. The artist, Jikisai Uenaka, spent about 60 years researching to assure that this is truly an authentic Kamakura era print. If you would like to further study this and other pictures, you may find a copy of the book in our mansion library.

On the right side of the picture is that of Nichiro who was the youngest and the most devoted disciple hanging on the edge of the official government ship, asking an officer to take him together with his master. But one of the officers struck him with an oar and broken his right arm. Upon seeing this Nichiren rose on the stern and comforted Nichiro explaining exactly as the Lotus Sutra prescribes for all who challenge the world with its truth. He said, “Kamakura and Ito are located in the east and west separated by a bay. When the sun rises, I will think about you in Kamakura.

When the moon appears in the west, think about me in Ito.” Then Nichiren recited “Hoto-ge” or “The Difficulty of Retaining the Sutra,” “Shi Kyo Nan Ji, Nyaku Zan Ji Sha ….” while the ship rode the waves going far off shore. Thus, we read the “Hoto-ge” with special rhythm just like the ship going up and down with the waves.

On the left side of the picture is Nichiren on the chopping board rock sticking out of the ocean water. It was about 4 PM when he was dropped off on a reef still some distance from the shore at low tide. The government officers wanted to go back to Kamakura before dark, so told him, “At low tide you will see the way and walk to shore.” But it was fast approaching high tide and most of the reef was completely submerged.

Now, is this the end of Nichiren Shonin's life? Please look forward to the Dharma Talk on Sunday service on May 9th.





 今回は51・52番目の絵巻です。右側は、 幕府が世間を騒がしたという罪で日蓮大聖人を捉え、即刻島流にしてしまいました。船が浜を出る前に弟子の日朗は「我は流人日蓮の弟子、師に罪あらば弟子も同罪、その船に乗せ給え!」と大声で叫びました。護送の役人は怒りの声をあらわに御用船に狼藉致さばもの見せんと船のかいで打ったので日朗は右手を骨折してしまいました。聖人は船端に立ち「日朗よ、末法に法華経を弘めれば杖をもって打たれ遠くへ流されるとは勧持品の名文ではないか。この鎌倉と伊東は西東、海を隔てての距離は遠くても、朝日が東に昇れば日朗は鎌倉に居ると思う、月が西山に傾く時は日蓮が伊東に居ると知れ」と述べられ、宝塔偈「此経難事、若暫持者。。。」と船上から唱えられ波の間に遠のくのでした。この様子を頭に浮かべながら読むので一句は伸ばし一句は短くつまり、リズミカルに読むのです。



O'Daimoku and Nichiren Dai'Shonin (April 28, 1253, birth of the O'Daimoku

April 2021


For the past 28 years since the 28th of the fourth month in the third year of Koan (1280), I have devoted myself to nothing but encouraging all the people in Japan to recite Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, the five- or seven-character title of the Lotus Sutra. This is exactly like the compassion of a mother trying to breast feed her baby. Now is the time for us to expound the teaching of the Lotus Sutra as predicted by the Buddha to be spread in the fifth 500-year period, the beginning of the Latter Age of Degeneration after His death.

Kangyo Hachiman Sho





Rev. Shokai Kanai

April 28, 1253 is the birthday of the O’Daimoku, “NAMU MYO-HO-REN-GE-KYO. As the first streak of the golden rays of the morning sun broke through the horizon of the Pacific Ocean, Nichiren Dai’Shonin chanted the O’Daimoku for the first time, facing towards the rising sun at Mt. Kiyosumi, in present day Chiba Prefecture.

The era when he was born and expounded the O’Daimoku was the beginning of Mappo during the Kamakura Period. Mappo Era started two thousand years after Sakyamuni Buddha’s Pari-Nirvana (the fifth five hundred years after Buddha’s death), which was thought to be 1052 AD. During this period, Buddhist doctrine alone is still alive, but there is neither practice nor enlightenment; thus, there is no salvation for the people in during this era. Nichiren was born towards the beginning of Mappo or in the fifth 500-year period.

Japan was in political turmoil during this time. Thirty years before Nichiren was born, a samurai clan who were supposed to guard the emperors and support the court in Kyoto seized power for themselves and established the Kamakura Government in a new capital in eastern Japan in 1196. One year before Nichiren was born, the Kamakura Government exiled three ex-emperors to isolated islands in 1221.

Moreover, the country was besieged with earthquakes, epidemics, famines, and starvation year after year. No one seemed to save the people of Japan. Nichiren Dai’Shonin tried to save the nation and its people during this time of chaos, where the reverse was true, low dominates high, and social pandemonium resulted from natural disasters.

There are references to Mappo in the Lotus Sutra. “A Bodhisattva-mahasattva who wishes to expound this sutra in the evil world after my extinction,” Ch. 14. “Propagate this chapter throughout the Jambudvipa or the countries where the people live in the later five hundred years after my extinction lest it should be lost.” Ch. 23. “The latter five hundred years after my extinction” means the period at the start of Mappo Era. In addition, the phrase, “The later five hundred years after my extinction” appears in several places within the Lotus Sutra, which is not the case in any other sutras.

As you already know, “The true purpose of various teachings is difficult to understand” from Chapter 2, explains that the Lotus Sutra is extremely difficult to access and comprehend. However, Nichiren Dai’Shonin created the chant, “Namu Myo-ho Ren-ge Kyo” as a simple practice method that anyone could do. If you chant O’Daimoku, you can be freed from suffering and become a Buddha even during the challenging Mappo Era. He was able to simplify and encourage everyone to practice, just as a mother can feed her child.

Reminder: Nichiren’s 800th Birthday Anniversary Convention in Hawaii will be held on January 23rd next year.






 妙法蓮華経の『安楽行品第14』には「如来の滅後、末法の中においてこの経を説かんと欲せば、」とあり、『法師功徳品第19』には 「悪世末法の時、よくこの経を持たん者は、」ともあります。さらに『薬王品第23』には『我が滅度の後、後の五百歳の中に、広宣流布して、』と説かれているように、末法の初めの500年に法華経を説く時と定めております。


