How Do We Live in the Age of the Mappo Era

July 2022


In recent years, strange phenomena in the sky, natural calami-ties on earth, famines, and epidemics have occurred and spread over all the land of Japan. Oxen and horses lie dead at crossroads and the streets are filled with skeletons. Most of the population have perished and have been touched by grief.

“Rissho Ankoku Ron”




How do we live in the age of the Mappo Era?

Rev. Shokai Kanai

As you already may know, 1222 is the year Nichiren Dai’Shonin was born, and that 1052 was the beginning of the Mappo Era. Map-po means a period when only the Buddha’s teachings remained, the practices were no longer pursued, and Enlightenment was a mere word, therefore, no possibility of salvation. However, there are three ways to accept this era of Mappo:

1. In this world, when no one can be saved, it became trendy to seek happiness in the afterlife. The belief was that no training was necessary, so even both the good and the bad who chanted “Namu Amida Butsu,” would be taken to Gokuraku Jodo or the “Extreme Pure Land" after their death. This Idea became popular around the 10th century just before the Mappo Era began. This was a way of life of not worrying about their condition in this life since Amida Buddha will help them to the Pure Land.

2. Apart from that, the Zen idea of immersing yourself in zazen (meditation) training, "Not relying on scriptures, but having no purpose, thinking about nothing, and just sitting down" spread among intellectuals and samurais. This was another way of life focused on non-attachment to navigate the hardships brought on during the Mappo Era.

3. Seeing the great earthquakes, plagues, famines, and starvations that occurred at the beginning of those years, Nichiren looked for the causes and solution in Buddhist scriptures. After reading all the sutras for four years in search of a way to eliminate such calamities, Nichiren Dai’Shonin said, "The caus-es of these calamities were where the people of Japan neglected the Righteousness (the Lotus Sutra), burned the sutra, threw the statues of Sakyamuni Buddha in ocean, but worshiped the statues of Amida Buddha.” He found revealed in the sutras that if the truth were not circulated, a revolt would occur in the

country, and foreign countries would invade." This was July 16, 1260 (he was 39 years old) when he compiled his now famous treatise Rissho Ankoku Ron and submitted it to the Shogunate. That was 781 years ago from today. Do you think these warnings apply to this period of suffering with COVID-19 which has spread all over the world and caused over 3.8 million casualties as of June 12, 2021?

Rissho Ankoku means that, "If you obey the right laws, the world will become peaceful, and people will live in safety.” For those who do not understand this theory, Nichiren Dai’Shonin showed a simple way practicing righteousness through the chanting of the sacred title of the Lotus Sutra, “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.” He was a reformer in the Mappo Era.

The above photo is the first page of "Rissho Ankoku Ron," donated to the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii. It is stored in a special box made of Hawaiian KOA wood. If you wish, you can view it. The sacred words in this month are the first four lines of the page.



既に皆様はご承知の通り、日蓮大聖人がお生まれになられた1222年は、仏滅後2千170年の末法時代の始まりでした 。この末法の時代を


1. この世では何をしても救われない時代なら、死後の世で幸せを求めようという風潮になり、「修行などはいらない、悪人も善人も南無阿弥陀仏と唱えさえすれば極楽浄土へ往生する」という念仏信仰が末法が始まる前の10世紀頃から流行しました。念仏さえ唱えれば、阿弥陀様が助けて下さるから心配ないという生き方です。

2. それとは別に「経典に頼るのではなく、何も目的を持たず、何も考えず、ただ座る」という座禅修行に没頭するという禅の思想が知識層や武家の間にひろまりました。末法思想に囚われない生き方です



