Nichiren Mission of Hawaii

O'daimoku Healing (Universal Energy of the O'Daimoku)

June 2022


The definition of money changes according to its use. The Lotus Sutra is also the same. In darkness it becomes a lamp, when crossing a river, it becomes a boat or turns into water or fire. Thus, the Lotus Sutra teaches, “They will become peaceful in their present lives. In their future lives, they will have rebirths in good places, enjoy pleasures by practicing the (Bodhisattva’s) Way, and hear these teachings again.”

(Ch. 5) Nichiren at the age of 53 Yagenta Dono Gohenji






Rev. Shokai Kanai

Hoping for people all over the world to be able to be healed, I will broadcast a YouTube video, "Rev. Kanai’s O’Daimoku Healing" soon. After reciting “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo” for about 15 minutes, I will read “May we and all other living beings attain Buddhahood” as revealed in Chapter 7 of the Lotus Sutra.

Through YouTube, not only the people who chant or listen to my video but, also the people around them will be able to utilize the power of the O’Daimoku, just as money can be utilized for whatever he or she needs. Our chanting will heal all living creatures, and at the same time is for the deceased to help them attain the Enlightenment of the Buddha.

Please feel free to access the video 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you can't sleep, you can listen while in bed. Listen repeatedly. More details to follow.

I hope to have the YouTube video ready for broadcast sometime in June.

The reason why I am going to have this video message is to save the good and the bad, so world peace will be here. As Buddhists you may already know the origin of Obon. This is the story of Maudgalyayana, who was well-known for his supernatural powers among Buddha's ten disciples who was searching for where and how his late mother could be in the afterlife. As a result of her karma, she could not consume either food or water. Surprised to see her suffering in the Hungry Ghost Realm, he tried to feed her but, to no avail. The dutiful son followed the advice of Sakyamuni Buddha to have 500 monks read the Lotus Sutra for his suffering late mother and offered delicious food and drinks to the monks. As a result, she received their blessings and is said to have ascended to the Heavenly Realm. Therefore, during the Obon Memorial Services, various foods are offered.

Now, why did the mother who raised her son to become one of the Buddha's ten great disciples, fall into the Realm of Hungry Ghost? The reason was the selfish attitude of the mother. She pushed her own child to be number one at the detriment of other children and did not care what happened to the other people. That was the way she lived.

The teachings of the Lotus Sutra and the slogan of Minobusan Kuonji Temple is "Co-existence and Co-prosperity." The Mandala Gohonzon of the Ten Realms of our minds represents this slogan. If we want to make this world a heavenly world of good alone, we must eliminate evils and devils that oppose good.

World peace is never possible if your attitude is, “Just for me, not for them,” or “Kill all of them who are obstacles to me or who do not please me.” Instead, it is important to say, “May we and all other living beings attain Buddhahood” as revealed in Chapter 7 of the Lotus Sutra.

My video is also aimed for those who are deceased from COVID-19, the war dead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and all our ancestors so that they may all attain the Enlightenment of the Buddha.




「自分だけ良ければ、他はどうなっても良い」という自己愛では、世界平和は決して実現しません。法華経の化城喩品に「願わくばこの功徳を以て、普く一切に及ぼし、我等と衆生と皆共に仏道を成ぜん」という言葉を語り続ける事が大事だと私は思います。その事を世界中の人々が気軽に唱える事が出来るように「Rev. Kanai’s O’DAIMOKU HEALING」のユーチューブを近々世界中に配信します。お題目を約15分間唱えた後に、先の経文を読みます。お題目を唱えると唱えた人だけでなく回りの人やすべての生き物、そして同時に死者も成仏する癒やしのユーチューブです。今月の聖語にある通り、お題目はお金と同じで必要に応じて役目が変わり望みの効果が現れます。24時間いつでも気軽にアクセスできます。





Remembering - Wahiawa Nichiren Mission (by Sally Matsumoto and Shizuyo Kikuta)

May 2022

Remembering - Wahiawa Nichiren Mission

By Sally Matsumoto

In commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Wahiawa Nichiren Mission, it is necessary to trace the steps from its origin. The following information has been provided by their descendants and members of the Mission.

The origin of the Mission can be traced to the home of Reverend Nun Myoryu Aniya, in a Waipahu Cane Plantation called Camp 12. Rev. Aniya was not from a priestly background. As a fervent Nichiren Buddhist, she became the leader of a group of fellow workers chanting the “odaimoku” earnestly. In 1938, when the plantation quarters became too small for her membership, she purchased a lot in Wahiawa Heights, built a home and continued her ministry at Kilea Place.

Meanwhile, a piece of property was donated at Puu Place, a block away from Reverend Aniya’s residence. The members purchased two military buildings which were combined skillfully to form a Buddhist Temple and living quarters. In February 1948, there emerged a Lotus temple in the town of Wahiawa named WAHIAWA NICHIREN MISSION. This temple became the branch of NICHIREN MISSION OF HAWAII. The original building of the Wahiawa Nichiren Mission has been in existence since its establishment.

Reverend Nun Myoryu Aniya (1948-1979) was the first resident minister of this Mission. She was given the Buddhist name Myoryu by Bishop Mochizuki of the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii. She did not receive any compensation from the temple and was sustained by the offerings received from members and others. At Bishop Mochizuki’s advisement, Reverend Aniya was able to collect social security compensation, according to her daughter, which was a big help.

Due to her keen psychic perception and telepathy, enabled Rev. Aniya to heal people who suffered from numerous ailments. Reverend Aniya was able to build a large membership. She raised anthuriums and had her own vegetable garden on the temple grounds. The anthuriums she raised kept an ample supply of flowers for the altar. Although the temple grounds currently may not have anthuriums, her son, Mr. Sosei Aniya, continually supplies the temple’s altar with his beautiful anthuriums.

Reverend Aniya was later joined by her daughter-in-law, Ayako Aniya. Ayako did all the errands and the cleaning of the temple. She also prepared meals for visitors from afar. Reverend Aniya retired from the temple in 1979 at age eighty-seven and lived in retirement until age ninety-three.

Remembering - Wahiawa Nichiren Mission

The Hidden Lotus Jewel in a Place Called Wahiawa

By Shizuyo Kikuta

In 1948, Reverend Nun Myoryu Aniya established Wahiawa Nichiren Mission. She was an amazing reverend who had an extraordinary ability to heal people’s physical and spiritual problems. It was said that Reverend Aniya could foresee a person’s future and could save many people. According to one long time member, Reverend Aniya was able to make a blind person see. Because of Reverend Aniya’s ability, the increment of membership was remarkable.

After retirement of Reverend Aniya, Nun Myocho Shinkai succeeded her at Wahiawa Nichiren Mission with strong recommendation from Arch. Bishop and Mrs. Fujii. Also, then Bishop Senchu Murano and members of Wahiawa temple convinced her because Reverend Shinkai was a local Nisei and fluent in English and Japanese.

After Reverend Shinkai’s passing, Reverend Giryu Kijima resided for a short time. Then Reverend Eiyu Yoshiki became the head minister for 4 years. The last minister assigned was Reverend Junsei Nagayoshi.

After the departure of Rev. Yoshiki and Rev. Nagayoshi, Reverend Eijo Ikenaga from Honolulu Myohoji visited the temple every other Sunday to conduct a service for the Wahiawa congregation for 8 years.

From 2012 to 2020, former Bishop Shingyo Imai, former Bishop Chishin Hirai and current Bishop Shokai Kanai from the Betsuin; and Reverend Josho Yamamura from Myohoji took turns holding services at Wahiawa Nichiren Mission once a month. During the last 2 years of Pandemic, we couldn’t get together, so Reverend Yamamura kindly visited to chant the Lotus Sutra and Odaimoku for our enshrined ancestors and Buddha by himself every month.

Our sincere appreciation to all Reverends and Bishops who supported, guided, and showed us how to deepen our faith to become devout Nichiren-shu believers.

We will remember forever a small Nichiren-shu temple that shines like a jewel in a hidden place in Wahiawa.

Daily Service Book (Newly published book to practice chanting at home)

March 2022


“I accepted your offertory for the 13th Year Memorial service for your father. For acknowledgement I copied Hoben-pon and send it to you. Please read it with Jigage that I sent before. Each character of the Lotus Surra is a living Buddha. For example, the ordinary people can only see it as a letter, blind people cannot see it at all, Shōmon and Engaku people see it as “Empty-ness”, Bodhisattvas see it a Buddha Dharma, and Buddhas see it as a Golden colored living Buddha.”

Nichiren, Letter to Soya Nyudo (March, Bun’ei 1275)





Rev. Shokai Kanai

I hope all subscribers of our monthly newsletter have received the newly published service book called “Daily Service Book”. If you have not received it yet, please let us know especially, those who subscribe to the newsletter only via email.

This booklet was created for you to practice chanting at home every day and/or evening. If you are not familiar with chanting, please join our Monday 7PM Chanting Class via ZOOM.* Each class is about 30 minutes. It is aimed for beginners. We practice reading each chapter of the Lotus Sutra slowly, so everyone can join and have fun chanting together. When you chant it every day, you will realize that you are always protected by divine beings.

This service book was published to commemorate the 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Nichiren Shonin. The original idea was to publish a GATHA book revising the green book, HASU NO OSHIE. We used that book in the 1960s when I was an assistant minister at the Los Angeles Nichiren Shu Betsuin. I know almost all ministers in Hawaii and the mainland listed on page 94 of that book. During my six years there, the L.A. temple held four Sunday school classes every week for different age groups like pre-school, elementary lower grade, upper grade, and Jr. YBA levels. There were 60 to 70 Sunday school children at that time. Therefore, I was one of two drivers who picked up and dropped off the children every Sunday.

During my over three years of missionary work in Hawaii, I met several Sansei and Yonsei members who did not understand Japanese but held daily services at their homes using a Japanese book written in HIRA-GANA. They remember their parents or grandparents practicing chanting at their homes. Although their loved ones passed away, these descendants continue to copy their ancestors by chanting daily the sutra and Odaimoku. Isn’t it wonderful?

So, I thought. “wouldn’t it be great if we made a chanting book in English and Japanese ROMAJI to be used at their home daily?”

I believe due to COVID, we cannot expect near full capacity of attendees at our Sunday services but, the peo-ple can still attend the service through the internet on ZOOM and practice the daily service at their homes even after the pandemic. I think Sunday service style at temples will change in the near future.

If you would like to learn how to use the book or how to hold a daily service at home, please join the 7pm Chanting Class every Monday evening through Zoom, “ID: 722 0124 8932. Password: 4V35nU”, or by phone, call: +1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 722-0124-8932# and Password:836819#. To mute or to unmute your phone: press *6.

As you read the above Nichiren Shonin’s letter to Soya Nyudo, I recommend you read Chapter 2 (HO BEN PON), Chapter 16 (JIGA-GE), and chant Odaimoku daily.



ハワイ日蓮宗別院の毎月の寺報のすべての購読者は「DAILY SERVICE BOOK」と呼ばれる新しく出版された小冊子を受け取った事と思います。 まだ受け取っていない方は別院までお知らせ下さい、すぐに郵送します。特にEmailで購読する方で受け取っていない方はお知らせください。

この小冊子は、毎朝夕に自宅で読経するためのものです。 このお経本をどのように使うのか、わからない方は、月曜日の午後7時のチャンティング・クラスにZOOM* INして下さい。毎回約30分で終わります。 初心者向けです。法華経を


本書は、日蓮大聖人ご生誕800年を記念して出版されました。当初のアイデアは、半世紀以上前に出版された緑色の表紙のHASU NO OSHIEを改訂出版する計画でした。私がロサンゼルス日蓮宗別院で主任補佐をしていた1960年代に同じ本を使っていましたから、この本の94ページに記載されているハワイと米国本土のほとんどの開教師を知っています。ロス別院の日曜学校には、当時幼稚園児、小学年下級生、上級生、中学生、Jr.YBA等レベルの異なる年齢層のクラスが4組ありました。日曜学校の子どもは60~70人いましたので、私は毎週日曜日に何人かの子供を迎えに行く2人の運転手のうちの1人でした 。

3年以上ハワイで布教活動をしていますが、日本語が分からない三世と四世のメンバーに会い、ひらがなと日本語の経本を使って毎日自宅で読経している信徒がいる事に気が付きました。 両親や祖父母が家で唱える姿を見ていてそれを続けています。祖父母、父母はずっと前に亡くなっていますが、子孫が真似て自らお経をあげています。 なんと素晴らしい事でしょう。



本の使い方や自宅で毎日のサービスを行う方法を学びたい場合は、*ズームミーティング「ID:722 0124 8932、Pass Word:4V35nU 」を通じて、毎週月曜日の夕方午後7時の読経練習にご参加ください。電話で参加の場合は( +1-408-638-0968, ID: 722-0124-8932# と Passowrd:836819#.を押すとつながります。電話をミュートまたはミュート解除するには:*6。


Archbishop Nissho Kanno's Goshinkyo (Dharma Talk) (800th Anniversary)

February 2022

Archbishop Nissho Kanno’s GOSHINKYO (Dharma Talk)

In 2021 Nichiren Shu celebrated the 800th Birth Anniversary of our founder Nichiren Shonin. Many grand ceremonial events were held across Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the south, marking the occasion. Overseas events were held in South America and Southeast Asia, all to express gratitude to our founder and to reaffirm our faith in which priests and devotees as one, made an oath to convey the heart of Nichiren Shonin in this chaotic world.

The Nichiren Missions of Hawaii made plans to hold a grand ceremony celebration that would bring together leaders of Nichiren Shu, Shomyoshi and Shuhoshi priests for Nichiren Shu members and followers in Hawaii. Due to current conditions however, the ceremony was held at Ikegami Honmonji Temple. A video recording is used by Kokusai Fukyoshi and Nichiren Shu members at their grand ceremony in Hawaii.

800 years ago, our founder Nichiren Shonin was born in Kominato area of Chiba Prefecture in a world full of natural disasters and inequality, where the nobility and samurai ruled society. Nichiren Shonin took his Buddhist vows and studied at Seichoji Temple, Kamakura, Kyoto and Nara but realized, the Buddhism of that time could not save people. After spending 20 years studying all the sutras to find the one teaching that could help people and address the turmoil of society, he reached the conclusion that the Lotus Sutra contained the Buddha’s true intention.

The teachings of the Lotus Sutra with Odaimoku chanting were the “good medicine” and precious treasure to help the people of Japan and the world. Nichiren Shonin stood and declared, “I will never break my vow to become the pillar of Japan, to become the eyes of Japan, and to become a great vessel for Japan” and will work to spread peace through the country by establishing the true dharma.

The grand ceremony celebrating the 800th birth anniversary is not just celebrating a birthday. Each one of us, priests, members, and devotees must accept Nichiren Shonin’s vow as our own in face of the continuous natural calamities and wars on a global scale and confusion in our hearts here at home. Now is the time for us to be resolute and choose a world of peace powered by our faith in the Lotus Sutra and Odaimoku.

To all temples, sangha event places and followers participating today, kindly take the precious opportunity of this grand ceremony to come together and realize the great peaceful world shown to us by Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Shonin. I look forward to our future devotement.

In closing, I would like to mention the 2003 Grand Ceremony commemorating the centennial of propagation in Hawaii conducted by the Venerable Rev. Nikko Fujii, 49th Archbishop of Nichiren Shu and Chief Abbot of Minobusan Kuonji Temple. I took part as the Propagations Department Manager and it left a deep impression on me. I also can never forget the ecstasy of keeping a promise to teach Shodaigyo to the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii members shortly after my installment at Ikegami Honmonji Temple and practicing the Odaimoku with them for three days. I was especially looking forward to coming to Hawaii for a third time to participate in the ceremony but, due to the COVID pandemic it was not to be. And so, I kindly ask the members of the Hawaii Mission Community to understand that it is with these thoughts and feelings in my heart that I conduct this ceremony, dedicated along with this address in gratitude.


By: Bishop Shokai Kanai

I deeply appreciate all of you, locally and overseas, who contributed to the success of the YouTube broadcast, “The Commemorative Ceremony of the 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s Birth – Live from Hawaii,” this past Sunday, January 23, 2022.

The temple building was newly painted, the floors were shiny and waxed, the ten red and white Odaimoku banners representing each of the five Nichiren Missions in Hawaii were waving in the breeze and the Hawaiian and chrysanthemum flowers decorated the altar beautifully and in amazing colors. Twenty-five members from the local missions who attended in person with over one hundred people from around the world on YouTube, participated as the ceremony at the Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii was broadcasted side by side with the service conducted in Japan.

The distinguished Archbishop of our order, his Holiness, Benevolent Nissho Kanno, officiated the Grand Ceremony from his temple at Ikegami Honmon-ji in Tokyo Japan. Locally, Reverend Yamamura and I assisted him together with three Shamis and the members who attended in person. We recited the Lotus Sutra and chanted the Odaimoku in unison with the Archbishop Kanno.

Even with the COVID restrictions, through the technology of YouTube, we were all able to be of one mind praying and chanting as Nichiren Dai’Shonin would have wished.

If you have not watched it, you can still see this amazing and heartfelt celebration on YouTube by clicking this link:

OR search YouTube for #nichiren800hawaii

The 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin's Birth on January 23, 2022

January 2022

Sacred Words

May the New Year, 2022

Bless you with Health, Wealth, and Happiness

In the Chinese calendar, this is the Year of the Tiger denoting: the Fifth Star and Element of the Central Soil. The universal energy is just before sunrise, so be patient in this year. Try to realize your own character and talent by birth. Harmony with others is the best for your good fortune in this year.





JANUARY 23, 2022

Rev Shokai Kanai

Finally, the day is coming soon.

I found an article about the 800th Anniversary by Bishop Chishin Hirai on our temple newsletter dated March 2016. He listed the following seven events decided at the January 2016 board meeting:

1. Fix Hondo and mansion,

2. Graveyard for pet’s ashes scattered,

3. Grand Ceremony of the anniversary,

4. Commemorative Tour to Japan,

5. Publication a revised Gatha book,

6. Fundraising campaign for $800,000,

7. Other related activities.


I would like to explain how much we have accomplished for each of the plans listed above:

1. Hirai Shonin wrote, “there are some bubbles on the roof.” It was fixed in July this year. He also wrote, “Outside walls of the hondo and roof are dirty and have many marks.” We hired painters who are working on that now. Please see the pictures on page one of this newsletter. “There are trees just outside of the building. They are so tall, and the fallen leaves are stuck in the rain gutter and weeds are growing.” Yes, they were. A neighbor told me that weeds are growing in the gutters of the resident minister’s house. We took care by installing new gutters; two big trees were cut at their trunks. Regarding the mansion, the Board started to repair the leaking sewer pipes from the 2nd floor bathtub and toilet, but the cost was too much. So, we decided to suspend further repairs on the mansion. However, if Historic Hawaii Foundation grants some support, we may restart and renovate the mansion. A decision to move ahead will be made by the end of this year.

2. The Pet Monument was placed near the pond last May. Two families already scatted ashes of their pets.

3. Publication of a revised Gatha Book. The current Gatha book, HASU NO OSHIE, is still good as a song book, Gatha. Instead, the board decided to publish a DAILY SERVICE BOOK for all members and Dharma friends to practice chanting at their homes in English or Japanese. It will be distributed to all subscribers to our newsletter in time for the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii commemorating the 800 Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s birth.

4. Pilgrimage to Nichiren Shonin’s memorial sites will be held later.

5. We replaced the fence around the stream and Pulelehua Way.

6. The Fundraising amount has reached to $155,981 as of November 21, 2021.

7. Grand Ceremony will be held as scheduled on January 23rd, 2022.

Brief Service Order is as followed:

7:30 AM All participants assemble

9:00 AM SHODAI-GYO (Please sit by 8:55 AM)

9:30 AM First Bell

9:50 AM Second Bell (Two new shamis purify the stage followed by Entering 10 ODAIMOKU banners of each mission carried in by their representatives. (Odaimoku chanting ).

ShodoTaiko followed by Minister’s entry to the stage.)


11:00 AM MC CLOSING ADDRESS (Ministers retired)


11:15 AM OKAJI BLESSING by 4 Shuhhoshis

11:50 AM GROUP PICTURE taking

12:30 PM LUNCH (Please let us know how many people in your family attending in person by January 20. )

1:30 PM SHODAI ANGYA procession on foot from Betsuin to Honolulu Myohoji

2:30 PM PANEL DISCUSSION by ministers from mainland.


The YouTube broadcasting will be from 10 AM to the end of the archbishop’s message.

We will let you know the name of the YouTube URL later.


We will have rehearsal at 1 PM on Saturday, January 22nd.

We request the following people to attend the rehearsal: Two volunteers to carry the Odaimoku banner, one representative for offering incense from each mission, and several youths to offer flowers (Bishop Kanai is looking for any boys and girls who could volunteer to offer flowers during HOBEN-PON chanting. Please let him know by the end of this year).

Even You Can Become a Nichiren Shu Minister

December 2021


“Strive to carry out the two ways of practice and learning. Without practice and learning, Buddhism will cease to exist. Endeavor yourself and cause others to practice these two ways of practice and learning which stem from faith. If possible, spread even a word or a phrase of the sutra to others.”

Nichiren’s Words, “Shoho Jisso Sho”






Bishop Shokai Kanai

This will be my third-year anniversary since I was installed as the Head Priest of Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii. But do you recall my installation message on December 9, 2018?

I said, “My goal at this temple is to educate and raise Dharma teachers, lay-leaders, substitutes of Nichiren Shu priests, part-time ministers, and full-time ministers. These Dharma teachers should be American born especially people born and raised in Hawaii.”

Since my installation, Shami Shougou (Mr. Kalei Kini) vowed to be trained as a priest on February 16, 2020. He missed DOCHO-KOFU (official recognition ceremony to be held at Mt. Kiyosumi), twice already because of COVID-19 travel restrictions. Since he retired in December 2020, he has come to this temple every morning, chants together with me, and helps to keep our temple clean and neat for everyone.

There is another person who will be fully retired at the end of this year. Ms. Claire Ariyoshi will take the oath to be trained as an assistant minister on January 22, 2022. Another candidate will be Mr. Mikio Tomioka who is an immigrant from Japan and has lived in Hawaii for many years. Both have been training to assist me together with Shougou Kini since 2019.

So, if you are interested in becoming a priest, a part-time minister is someone who has a steady job and a steady income, so they are not dependent on the salary from a temple or a mission. In other words, you will be a minister on the weekend but still keep your job during the week. Or you may be a retiree looking for a more meaningful life other than traveling or watching the grandkids - so you too can be a minister serving the temple on a part time basis.

But, if you would like to dedicate your life and become a full-time minister, it takes a minimum of five to six years of training and education, many travels to Japan, and the rigorous completion of Shingyo Dojo (the official 35-day training at Mt. Minobu).

Now, I am looking for a college student or a college graduate who wishes to become a Nichiren Shu priest and I am hoping that our temple directors will invest in such a candidate financially after the 800 Year Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s Birthday. This young candidate needs to overcome many hardships physically, mentally, and financially. They must go to a Japanese language school in Japan for one year and must be trained at a temple like Minobusan Kuonji Temple in Japan for three or four years. They may also take the TOKUDO (oath to become a Nichiren Shu priest) on January 22, 2022. So, if you know of a young candidate, please notify me by the end of this year, so I can order the white and black robes together among other things. And good news for females – they do not need to cut their hair!

“I am committed to educate and train all of you, little by little. That is my goal at Nichiren Mission of Hawaii.” - Bishop Shokai Kanai










 現在大学に在籍中か既に卒業した青年男女で「ハワイの人々の為に日蓮宗僧侶に志願したい方」は今年末までに金井勝海に相談して下さい。 来年1月22日の得度式に間に合うよう白衣と黒衣を注文しなければなりません。


The Six Paramitas to Reach the Other Shore, Hi'gan (middle way and the harmony of Buddha's compassion)

March 2021


“Each phrase and character of this sutra is truly a Buddha. The teachings of the Buddha truly benefit all living beings. Upon hearing this sutra once, you will have heard all the Teachings, as this sutra contains all the Dharma. Even though you have not practiced the Six Paramitas, the Paramitas will appear naturally in your mind. All negative karma and sufferings come from delusion. All negative karma will disappear just as the morning dew disappears with the morning sun.”

Senkyo Chodai by Nichiren





The Six Practices to Reach the Other Shore, Hi’gan

Rev. Shokai Kanai

Higan or “the other shore” is the week; three days before the equinox and three days after the equinox during Spring and Autumn. During this week we, Buddhists, hold Higan memorial service at temples and visit cemeteries or columbarium for our ancestors. This is typically a Japanese Buddhist custom only.

Why is it only a Japanese custom? This is because when Buddhism was introduced into Japan during the 6th Century, this new foreign religion and culture were practiced only by the imperial family and noble classes. Then, Emperor Kanmu (781-806) wished that the teaching of the Middle Way and Harmony of Buddha’s compassion should inspire the ordinary people as well. So, the emperor officially announced to hold a holiday during the equinoxes of both Spring and Autumn. The reason for the holidays was for the public, especially farmers and peasants, to rest on the middle day of both Higans, after seeding in Spring and before harvest in Autumn, to show their appreciation toward their ancestors, to cherish all living beings, and to admire nature.

Today we hardly see farmers around us, but there are many people who work hard day and night and suffer from poverty, debt, human relationships, sickness, and advanced age. Therefore, Buddha says that “this shore” is full of suffering. The cause of suffering is ignorance, attachment, and anger. When we are free from these sufferings, we will reach “the other shore” or Higan. How to reach “the other shore” is to practice the Six Paramitas as follows:

Offering = To give something to others

Keeping the rules = to follow the rules where you belong

Perseverance = to be patient

Effort = to strive or not to give up

Concentration = to control you mind righteously

Wisdom = to realize truth of all things

The above six practices are always inter-related. For instance, when you give something to others, your action involves following the rules, knowing patience of the best time to give, continuing the act of giving, knowing the right way to give, and realizing the beneficial gift for him or her. Not only are these practices for your sake but also for others’ sake, too. Therefore, the Six Paramita is the Way of Bodhisattvas.

The Six Paramitas are not only to be practice during Higan seasons, but also as everyday practice. In other words, when you suffer from sickness, old age, human relationships, and debt; this world is shi-gan. When you are satisfied with daily life and happy at every moment, you are on “the other shore,” HI-GAN. By practicing the Six Paramitas daily, we relieve our suffering as we gradually move more towards “the other shore” and realizing our inner Buddha.

This month’s SACRED WORDS are a part of the special prayer that you hear at the end of Kito blessing every first Sunday. This means that even if you cannot practice the Six Paramitas, once you see and hear the Lotus Sutra, your bad karma and suffering will vanish just as if the morning dew which naturally evaporates when the sun shines. To practice chanting Odaimoku is to perform the Six Paramitas.


















Anniversary for the Birth of Nichiren Shonin is Coming in Under a Year (I wish to hold Tokudo Ceremony)

February 2021


Rivers come together to form an ocean. Particles of dust accumulate to become Mt. Sumeru. When I, Nichiren, began having faith in the Lotus Sutra, it was like a drop of water or a particle of dust in Japan. However, when the sutra is chanted and transmitted to two, three, ten, a million, and a billion people, it will grow to be Mt. Sumeru of perfect enlightenment or the great ocean of Nirvana. There is no way other than this to reach Buddhahood.

Nichiren Shonin, Senji-Sho





800th Anniversary for the Birth of Nichiren Shonin Is coming in Under a Year

Rev. Shokai Kanai

If the COVID-19 pandemic ceases and the people in Hawaii are safe, then the Archbishop will be able to travel safely to Hawaii for the 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s birth, which will be held on January 23rd, 2022. Until then, we cannot make any concrete decisions. In the meantime, some of our members have already received their first vaccine shot. I have made my appointment as well.

Although we cannot foresee how the pandemic will affect us in January 2022, I wish to hold TOKUDO (Taking Precepts) Ceremony for several candidates on January 22nd, a day before the ceremony. Preparing for this important ceremony, the timing is right because of the “Stay-at-Home” order, I have been holding three ZOOM Meetings: 1) Reading the entire Lotus Sutra in English to bring World Peace, to overcome COVID-19, and for the deceased to attain Buddhahood every evening at 5 pm, 2) Practice chanting “YOHON” (selected chapters of the Lotus Sutra) in Japanese every Monday evening, 3) Study Class on the Lotus Sutra Thursday evenings. Sometimes we have 10 or more participants. Among these attendees, I wish someone will speak up, “I want to be a Nichiren Shu priest!” Or “I wish to be an assistant!”

Shami Shougou Kini took his oath to become a Nichiren Shu priest in February 2020. He came to temple to chant YOHON in Japanese every weekend throughout the years. After his retirement, he further trained as a shami (apprentice priest) every day at the temple. He especially took care of the lotus pond and surrounding areas.

In addition, Mikio Tomioka also wishes to become a Nichiren Shu priest. He has been training together with Shami Shougou since 2019. I wish more people would follow them.

In August this year, I am planning to hold a seminar for those who would like to learn more about practicing Nichiren Shu rituals and teachings. Through this seminar and Zoom Meetings, some candidates may come to me wishing to become a priest, an assistant priest, or a Lay leader. Will you be one of them?

日蓮大聖人ご降誕800年ハワイ大会開催 1年後に迫る







Happy New Year! (To win against COVID-19 is to appreciate more. Odaimoku is a spell to become happier)

January 2021


[This person] will be able to eliminate the darkness, Of the living beings of the world where [they] walk about, Just as the light of the sun and moon, Eliminate all darkness.

Lotus Sutra, Chapter 21


日月の光明が世間の暗闇を除く事が出来るように、 この人は衆生の心の暗闇を除く事ができます。



Rev. Shokai Kanai

According to a Japanese astrological calendar, 2021 is the Sixth Star in the Nine Star Fortune and 辛丑 (Kanoto Ushi) in the Zodiac Calendar. Kanoto means distress. Ushi or the year of Ox denotes the hours between 1 AM and 3 AM, as well as early spring. Thus, the planted seeds in soil are in the beginning process of germination. These special calendars suggest that 2021 will still be a continuation of the current pandemic.

What is COVID-19 trying to tell us? I guess that the Era of Materialism has comes to an end. We thought that money could buy anything in the past, especially after the WWII.

Many people talk about the Era of Spiritualism is coming. I agree. Oahu Island where my wife and I live has ocean, rivers, and mountains full of green trees. It seems to be a paradise for us. Especially Nuuanu, where Nichiren Mission of Hawaii is located, has two famous forest hiking trails that I hike for therapeutic purposes. The thick trees embrace me as if I am living together with nature. I receive their rejuvenating energy to re-charge my batteries.

In the above sacred words from the Lotus Sutra; “[This person] will be able to eliminate the darkness, Of the living beings,” is Nichiren Shonin, the founder of the Odaimoku. He gave us the medicine to eliminate all our sufferings. Most Nichiren Shu deceased members receive their Buddhist Names included with “Nichi” just like Nichiren. This is for our assurance in becoming Buddhas in the future.

To win against COVID-19, it is important for us to appreciate more of nature and the great universe. Since I completed the first Nichiren Shu 100 Days ARAGYO Training at the age of 29, I have been chanting the above quotation, “Nyo Nichi Gak-ko Myo, No Jo Sho Yu Myo, Shi Nin Gyo Se Ken, No Mes-Shu Jo An” (DHARMA, p. 48) as a special spell a few times a day facing either to the sun or the moon. I also copy the baby Buddha statue pose of pointing with my right index finger to the sky while pointing my left index finger to the earth. I recite, “From heaven to the earth, I am the most honored one!” I bring in the father universal energy from above and scoop up the mother earth energy from the ground with both my hands. This is my way of showing appreciation to the universe and nature, in that we all live together. This is a way to keep healthy and act energetically.

Another of my methods of living together in the universe is as follows: From about five days before the full moon, I face towards the moon each night. I repeatedly say that my wish has just been fulfilled. (Do not try after the full moon because the shape has already begun to shift.) Most of my long-term goals were realized in this manner. Moreover, my missionary work in Hawaii has materialized for me without expectation. The Lotus Sutra says in Chapter Four, “…the great treasures of the King of the Dharma have come to us although we did not seek them,” If you recite the above-mentioned Sacred Words for many decades, you will receive more than you expected in the future.

Would you like to follow my example by repeating the Sacred Words starting from New Year’s Day? Over 40 years has passed since I began this endeavor; therefore, I like to say, “To continue is the source of great power!”








 今後、疫病に打ち勝つためには、自然と大宇宙に感謝することが大切と思います。私は、29歳で日蓮宗大荒行堂を成満した時から、太陽と月に向い上記の法華経の呪文「如日月光明 能除諸幽冥 斯人行世間 能滅衆生闇」を毎日数回唱えています。その上、釈尊がご降誕なされた時になされたように、右手人指し指を天に向け、左人差し指を地に向け「天上天下 唯我独尊」と口の中で唱えて、大宇宙のエネルギーを体いっぱいに吸い込んで大宇宙と大自然に感謝しています。

 また、満月が近づくと、お月様に向かって自分が将来実現したい願望を「今まさに成就したように」唱えて感謝します。こうして私はほぼ自分が思った通りの人生を送っています。さらにハワイでの布教活動は求めてもいなかった事が実現したのです。まさに法華経で説かれている「無量珍宝 不求自得」です。「求めなくても宝が与えられる」という意味です。上記の聖語を真面目に長年唱えていると、自分のノゾミ以上の事が実現します。


What is Happiness! (People in Hawaii feel happier than people in the mainland because of OHANA)

August 2020

Sacred Words

The Gods in the sky will always serve him (an expounder of the Lotus Sutra) in order to hear the Dharma from him. When someone comes to his abode located in a village, in a city , in a retired place or in a forest, and wishes to ask him a questions, the gods will protect him day and night for the sake of the Dharma so that the hearer my rejoice because the sutra was, is, and will be protected by the supernatural powers of the past, present and future Buddhas.

What is Happiness?

By Shokai Kanai

In Hawaii, the number of people infected with the new coronavirus is the lowest in the United States, and there were days when the number of people infected on Oahu was zero. This seemed like the end to the lockdown. Restaurants, hair salons and gyms were opened. Nichiren Mission of Hawaii was able to hold Sunday services with limited participants through social distancing, hand sanitizer placed at entrance, and all the doors on Makai and Mauka (the seaside and the mountain side) were opened to let fresh air circulate.

Protecting injustices regarding racialism, many people marched in dense crowds across the country, with several days of marching on Waikiki Beach as well. After which the number of infected people on Oahu increased day by day. Stricter enforcement of wearing masks, social distancing and disinfection of the place where the people touched increased in restaurants and stores. Our lifestyle is still inconvenienced.

On the other hand, in nature, the air and sea water has become cleaner, and there are many people who work from home. Sunday services over the internet is becoming more common in churches and temples. However, for the elderly, viewing these services through a computer can become cumbersome. Without in-person contact at the temple, they can weaken mentally and physically. I cannot visit their homes to provide contact and I do not feel, just by contacting them by phone is enough. However, as mentioned above in the Sacred Words; the Buddha, Nichiren Dai’Shonin, and your ancestors protect you day and night, so do not worry and take it easy.

By the way, what is happiness! This is the first time I have lived in Hawaii since I preached in the mainland for more than 50 years. I realized that there are happier people in Hawaii than on the mainland. There are a couple of factors, first of which I think is the weather. It is always summer throughout the year. There are no “hot” or “cold” seasons. Secondly, it is the spirit of “OHANA!” The doctrine of Buddhism begins with “Life is Full of Sufferings.” Birth, old age, disease, and death which are considered the four major suffering. Additionally, separating from loved ones, being with people you do not like, not getting what you want, and suffering from changes in the natural order. These eight hardships are overcome by the ‘Ohana Spirit” for the people living in Hawaii.

I think happiness is the degree of satisfaction. I ask all of you to find ways to improve your personality. I recommend that you participate in zoom study sessions to improve your wisdom. With wisdom you can find true happiness in both the material and spiritual realms. The reason for this is that the Buddhas, divine beings, and your ancestors in their respective worlds will be pleased to hear the Lotus Sutra when you hold services at home in the morning and evening.

As a result, both you (the expounder of the sutra) and your families will become happy. Let us all chant the Lotus Sutera to make everyone happy!

Be Happy with Zoom Classes and Chanting followed by Dharma talk

June 2020


Rivers come together to form an ocean. Particles of dust accumulate to become Mt. Sumeru. When I, Nichiren, began having faith in the Lotus Sutra, it was like a drop of water or a particle of dust in Japan. However, when the sutra is chanted and transmitted to two, three, ten, a million, and a billion people, it will grow into a Mt. Sumeru of perfect enlightenment or great ocean of Nirvana. There is no way other than this to reach Buddhahood.

Nichiren - Senji Sho





Chanting followed by Dharma Talk

Rev. Shokai Kanai

COVID-19 changed the lifestyles for many people around the world. The lockdown has created an environment to better care for nature. We realized the earth needed a rest too. As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, we would have a better society by not damaging the earth. This change comes to our temple, too. Our temple was mainly for local people in Hawaii; however it evolved to reach more people around the world.

In April, one of my friends living in the Los Angeles area suggested creating a Zoom video meeting. My son in Maui set up a Zoom account on my personal computer. I started using Zoom on May 7th and 14th for our Thursday Study Class on the Lotus Sutra, then for Chanting on May 11th and 18th and finally for Sunday services on May 10th and 17th. There were more than ten people who participated, not only from Honolulu but also from Hilo, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo. Thank you very much for your participation.

Anyone interested in either services or classes can participate. The maximum number of participant is 100, so there is plenty of room to join. Would you like to be one of them? If so, please create an account with and send your email address to: to receive our meeting ID and password.

 The schedule is as follows:

Mondays 7 p.m. - 30-minute Service using DHARMA (blue book): A short Dharma Talk followed by question and answer session. If you do not have a DHARMA book, please purchase one at Nichiren Mission of Hawaii. It costs $20.

Thursdays 7 p.m. - Study Class on the Lotus Sutra: Since many new friends are anticipated, I will start the Study Class from the very beginning. This is review for regular students but may be a good chance to reexamine earlier chapters. The textbooks we will read are the LOTUS SUTRA, translated by Senchu Murano (third edition) and the Introduction to the LOTUS SUTRA, by Shinjo Suguro. Both can be purchased at Other teaching materials will be provided by me.

We already have more than ten people connecting in the test meetings. Services and classes will officially start on May 25th and on May 28th. If you would like to join us, please reach out to Nichiren Mission of Hawaii via email to receive your Meeting ID and Password. This program is open to everyone around the world.

Nichiren Dai'Shonin started chanting Odaimoku by himself. Then more and more people joined in and are now chanting as he predicted on Senji-sho. We can all help spread Odaimoku to all corners of the world by sharing the Zoom meeting information with your relatives and friends. We can create happiness within ourselves as well as spread to others. As Nichiren Dai’Shonin stated, “There is no way other than this to reach Buddhahood.”







 実際にテストをしてみると、ホノルルの信者様だけでなく、ヒロ、ロスアンゼルス、サンフランシスコ、東京からも参加して下さった方が10名以上おりました。参加された方々に感謝申し上げます。5月25日と28日から正式に毎週月曜日午後7時に読経と木曜日午後7時より勉強会を開催します。興味ある方はハワイ日蓮宗別院のEメールアドレスをとおして参加申し込みをして下さい。返信でMeeting IDとパスワードを差し上げます。


2、木曜日の勉強会には村野宣忠訳 the LOTUS SUTRA, 第3版と勝呂信勝著Introduction to the LOTUS SUTRA が必要です。購入方法は加州ヘイワード市日蓮宗国際布教センター、NBIC ONLINE STORE を検索し “Lotus” をクリックしますと、手続きができます。

 今月の聖語は『撰時抄』です。日蓮大聖人がお題目を唱えられた時は、たったお1人でしたが、二人・三人・十人・百千万億人と唱えるようになりました。このズームのプログラムは世界中からアクセスできます。素晴らしと思いませんか?どうぞ、お子様、お孫様にこのプログラムの事を知らせて上げて下さい。皆でお題目を唱えるて幸せになりしょう。 合掌

New Era is Coming!

May 2020


In recent years, strange phenomena in the sky, natural calamities on earth, famines, and epidemics have occurred and spread over all the land of Japan. Oxen and horses lie dead at crossroads and the streets are filled with skeletons. A majority of the population have perished, and everyone has been touched by grief. Nichiren

Rissho Ankoku Ron





New Era Is Coming!

Rev. Shokai Kanai

How have you and your family faired at home under the coronavirus crisis? I have been missing you all.

The above Sacred Words are the opening sentences of Rissho Ankoku Ron or “Establish the Right Law and Save Our Country” by Nichiren Dai’Shonin. He wrote this essay to set forth his plan for saving Japan and appealed to the Kamakura Government in July 1260. As a patriotic son of Japan, Nichiren once wrote, “The worst thing for us is the downfall of our country.” The constant famine and epidemics were an indication to him that if something was not done to end the present calamities and to avert similar disasters in the future, a time will soon come where civil war and foreign invasion will transpire.

As the pandemic spreads across the world, I saw many body bags were temporarily placed in an ice-skating rink and many coffins of unclaimed bodies were buried together in make-shift graves. If government authorities had not given proper orders, the outcome might have happened just as Nichiren described in his essay. Fortunately for the residents of Hawaii, they have the lowest infection rates in the nation as of April 14, 2020. Since Governor Ige closed the airports to travelers between the Islands, the mainland, and other countries; this has helped curtail coronavirus from spreading. Plus, the mayors of all the counties declared a “Stay-at-Home” order, to further protect ourselves from each other with social distancing and reminding us to continually wash our hands properly with soap and water. If we continue to follow these rules, then Hawaii will maintain the lowest status of coronavirus infections.

Nichiren Mission of Hawaii is my home. I hardly go out except to the post office and the market once a week to purchase food. I hold morning and evening services for about an hour every day. During evening service, I read either Chapter 16 or 23 of the Lotus Sutra entirely and pray for everyone to overcome this pandemic around the world and pray for all souls who lost their lives to attain Buddhahood with the teaching of the Lotus Sutra.

As you read the above sacred words, there was an epidemic in 13th century Japan, where Nichiren wrote that the population decreased in half. In spring of 1721, many supply ships from the Caribbean docked in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the ships, the ‘Seahorse,’ brought with it a crewmember carrying smallpox. Although officials placed him under quarantine, by autumn the disease had spread throughout Boston as well as to the surrounding cities. Many Native Americans perished because of the lack of immunity to the disease. Smallpox hit hard with death rates ranging between 25-50 percent. In 1918, the Spanish Flu killed more than 50 million people worldwide including 2,300 in Hawaii. But many other people survived through these periods of epidemics.

There are some positives from this pandemic. Susan Ballard, Honolulu Police Chief stated, “There might be an increase in domestic violence cases (due to Stay-at-Home), but we have not seen that. There has been a decrease in burglaries, robberies and car break-ins.”

One of our temple members sent me a video, “Coronavirus is Giving the Earth to Rest.” The video shows many examples of how the pandemic returns the earth to be freer from contaminations, resulting in clear smog-free skies, cleaner water, and animals roaming through the deserted city streets. I personally think periodically the universe seems to act very cruel to humans, but this is in order to maintain balance of the Five Elements (soil, water, fire, air, and void). This is “MYO-HO” or the “Reality of All Things.”

After this crisis ends, we will have a better society around the world of not hurting the universe in ways such as decreasing congested populations in metropolitan areas by more local factories instead of overseas, not relying on too much imported food, balancing the food supply, increase population by a new baby boom, and harmoniously living with nature.







 私の自宅はハワイ日蓮宗別院です。週に1度郵便局と食料品の買い物以外は外出しません。その分毎朝夕の勤行を約1時間欠かさず行っています。特に午後5時からは法華経と第16章と第23章は病気平癒の事が述べられていますので、英語か訓読で読んで疫病退散を祈念し、世界中の死者2万人以上の霊位に第7章の「以仏教門 出三界苦」という語句を読み追善回向を捧げています。 





What is Tokudo

March 2020


“To be filial means to be high; heaven is high but not all higher than being filial. To be filial also means to be deep; the earth is deep but not any deeper than being filial. Both sages and wise men come from filial families. How much more should students of Buddhism realize the favors they receive and repay them? Disciples of the Buddha should feel grateful for the Four Favors (received from parents, people, sovereign of nation, and Buddhism. And repay them.”

                 Nichiren, KAIMOKU-SHO




What is TOKUDO?

Bishop Shokai Kanai

The above words of Nichiren Dai’Shonin in “Kaimoku Sho” was given to the new priest-to-be during the TOKUDO SHIKI during the 799th Birthday Anniversary of the founder of our faith.

Many people asked me about the meaning of Tokudo Shiki. Even Japanese may not know the significance of the term itself. This is a ceremony when a lay person becomes a Buddhist priest-to-be. In Nichiren Shu, anyone who has a high school education can take this oath.

At my installation ceremony as the head priest of Nichiren Sect of Mission of Hawaii on December 9, 2018, I gave a Dharma Talk and wrote on this very subject for our January 2019 newsletter. I mentioned that I wished to establish an educational system for Americans (especially Hawaii born) to be Nichiren Shu priest. The reason is that it is very hard for a Japanese priest to come to America and propagate Buddhism and stay over five years because of the current immigration system. We had many young ministers come from Japan and train in Hawaii for many years, but most of them returned to Japan even after they received their permanent visa to stay in America. Therefore, I must first educate Nichiren Buddhism to the members in the state of Hawaii. I started study classes before recruiting for new priests.

The first step was to start Study Classes on Nichiren Dai’Shonin’s biography and then the Lotus Sutra chapter by chapter in English. Currently we have eight students who attend the study class every Thursday night. One student is Mr. Kalei Kini, who has been cleaning bathrooms every Saturday since he started our faith here in 2008.

He wished for many years to take the vow to officially be trained as a Nichiren Shu priest before I started talking about my intention as Head Priest of this Betsuin.

On February 16th, the same day as our founder of our faith was born, we held the ceremony of Tokudo for Kalei Kini (63). He had just retired last December and has plenty of time to commit himself to be trained.

The ceremony was very inspiring for many people who attended. One woman mentioned, “I was almost in tears just as my child took the oath to be a Nichiren Shu priest.”

This Tokudo Shiki is only the first step. He and I must travel to Japan and be officially recognized as a priest-to-be by Nichiren Shu Administration office at Seicho-ji Temple on Mt. Kiyosumi on April 1st and 2nd of this year. Then he will be able to wear the white sash and black robe in public. His title is “Shami” or apprentice Buddhist priest. Then he will be able to participate in “Shami Seminar” held at Nichiren Buddhist International Center in Hayward, California, with other shamis from around the world.

We must have more American born Nichiren Shu priests especially in Hawaii. Fortunately, we will have the 800th Birthday Anniversary of Nichiren Dai’Shonin in Hawaii on May 16, 2021. The Tokudo Shiki also will be held for other candidates young and old. Please inform me if you wish to undergo training to be a priest.












Pilgrimage to Nichren Shonin's Memorial Sites

January 2020

Sacred Words

Even if death comes to me wherever I am, let my grave be erected on Mount Minobu since I have read the Lotus Sutra there for nine years. Nichiren’s soul shall dewll in this mountain forever.

Nichiren – Hakii Dono Gosho


Rev. Shokai Kanai

Nichiren Sect has been celebrating the 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s birth around the world for the past several years. Our turn to host this celebration will be on May 16, 2021 at the Prince Hotel, Waikiki. Preceding this happy event, we would like to pay homage to Nichiren Shonin by visiting his memorial sites in Chiba, Minobu, Tokyo and Kamakura. This pilgrimage starts October 8, 2020, so you must arrive at the designated hotel the night before. The tour will conclude on the morning of October 15, 2020 at the same hotel.

Day 1: (Tanjoji) where Zennichi-maro was born on February 16, 1222. (Myorenji) where the images of his parents are enshrined, and (Seichoji) where he took his vows to become a priest and declared that the Lotus Sutra is the most important teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha.

Day 2: Heading to (Minobusan). At the Grand Head Temple of Nichiren Sect, (Kuonji) we meet Nichiren Shonin, the founder of our faith. Visit (Okunoin) at the top of Mt. Minobu via cable car. This was the place where Nichiren Shonin showed his respect to his deceased parents and his hometown. Visit (GoByosho) his mausoleum.

Day 3: Attend a morning service at Kuonji Temple followed by Rinban Hoshi. We will be honored to conduct a memorial service in front of Nichiren Shonin’s relics. Leaving Minobusan before noon, we will visit (Iwamoto Jissoji) where Nichiren Shonin spent two years researching all sutras before writing RISSHO ANKOKU RON.

Day 4: Morning sightseeing and shopping in Tokyo before visiting (Ikegami Honmonji) at 2 PM. We will meet Nichiren Shonin again followed by Dharma talk by Archbishop Nissho Kanno who had conducted Shodai-gyo at our Betsuin three years ago and will also conduct the 800th Anniversary Celebration in 2021. At night, we will participate in the famous Mando Parade.

Day 5: Attending the Grand ceremony of O-EShiki Service conducted by Chief Abbot Nissho Kanno of Ikegami Honmonji. This ceremony will be broadcast by internet around the world. We will try to witness the legendary cherry blossoms that bloomed at Daibo Temple. Before noon we head to Kamakura, the feudal state capital of Japan, and visit Ryukoji where Nichiren Shonin was almost beheaded. That night, we would like to invite Rev. and Mrs. Chishin Hirai to our dinner and chat together.

Day 6: We visit Myohonji where Nichiren Shonin established the temple and propagated Odaimoku after Nichiren Shonin passed away. We will visit Ankoku Ronji where Rev. Hirai is now head priest. We will have lunch there. Before returning to Tokyo, we will stop at Myochoji and pay our respects to our eleventh resident minister of Nichiren Mission of Hawaii, Bishop Senchu Murano (1978-1989).

This pilgrimage will cost 160,000 Japanese Yen, airfare not included. This price is based on a minimum of 15 participants or 190,000 Japanese Yen if 10 participants. The hotel where we will stay in Tokyo is Sotetsu Fresa Inn Tokyo Kamata near JR Kamata Station and Ikegami Honmonji. We will use a sight-seeing bus with an English-speaking guide.

Those who wish to buy airlines tickets, please contact Mrs. Shinobu Fukaskua of JTB Honolulu at (808) 979-0115 (Direct). She will also arrange your extra stay in Japan.

This is a rare opportunity to visit many sites important within Nichiren Sect. I highly recommend everyone participate in this pilgrimage to help deepen your faith. By connecting to Nichren Shonin’s spirit we can all live and breathe Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

If you would like to have an itinerary and application form, please contact Bishop Kanai by phone or email at the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii.

Do You Want Your Funeral Service To Be Held in Nichiren-Shu?

November 2019


As I Contemplate my own life, I, Nichiren, have studied Buddhism ever since I was a child. One’s life is uncertain, as exhaling one’s breath one moment does not guarantee drawing it the next; it is as transient as dew before the wind and its end occurs suddenly to everyone, the wise and the ignorant, the aged and the young. I thought I should study the matter of the last moment of life first, before studying anything else.

 Nichiren – Myoho Ama Gozen Gohenji (DHARMA, P.81)





Do You Want Your Funeral Service

To Be Held in Nichiren-Shu?

Rev. Shokai Kanai

As you read and understand the above Sacred Word, when Nichiren Shonin was alive, one’s life was very uncertain because all kinds of natural disasters happened year after year. Besides, there were no medical doctors or hospitals.

Since I was installed as the head priest of the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii, I have held 22 funeral services already. Most of them were elderly like 90s and over 100. Therefore, the deceased and their families were ready to accept their passing for many years before their actual death.

I also noticed that the funeral services are more like celebrations to be born in the next spiritual realms. While I was in Los Angeles, I normally held a funeral service once a month. While I was in Las Vegas, I held only a few over ten years. The ages of the death are much younger or soon after their birth or sudden death such as in an accident or heart attack. The deceased and the families were not ready to accept the loved ones’ death in several cases. Their deaths were sudden and shocking to the survivors and friends.

I will conduct a funeral service for anyone by a family’s request. My position as a Nichiren Shu priest is to make the deceased attain Buddhahood and send their souls to Mount Sacred Eagle where the Eternal

Buddha and Nichiren Shonin are preaching the Lotus Sutra. So, I pray for the deceased every morning from the day I was informed until the 49th memorial day.

I am not a magician for the deceased to attain Buddhahood. If you or your loved ones wish for me to conduct a funeral service, I request that you or the loved ones to chant Odaimoku, NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO, for the family to enshrine the Mandala Gohonzon of the Ten realms at home and to become a paid member to support this temple by means of physical and financial contribution if possible.

The reason for these requests is necessary for his or her Buddha Name to be given at the time of the funeral. The Buddha Name will be given according to what kinds of person he or she was and how much the person contributed to the temple and to society. It symbolizes not only his or her character but also how much contribution the deceased’s endeavored to help other people. After one’s death, ministers and family members chanting Lotus Sutra and Odaimoku will help the deceased to attain Buddhahood.

I would like to share a nice story about a Nichiren Shu member knew her death was imminent; dressed up and was ready to go! The following eulogy was given by her daughter: “I went to her house to give mom bath and wash her hair. I helped her set her hair because she was so tired and couldn’t do it independently. She insisted on going under the hair dryer. I helped walk her to her beauty shop where she dried her hair. I then walk her to her bedroom where she applied make-up and styled her hair with care. She was sitting at her dresser looking into the mirror. She looked absolutely gorgeous. I told her she looked beautiful. She turned, smiled at me took a deep breath and said, “Now I am ready.” I asked what she meant by saying now she is ready. Ready for what? She never answered. She stood up and started walking out of the room. Then next day, right before I was supposed to pick her up for dinner, I got a call from the home stating that mom was unresponsive. Unexpectedly, Mom passed away a short time later at the medical center.

My personal thought “Now I am ready” meant for her to go to meet her late husband, Nichiren Shonin and the Buddha at the Eternal Buddha Land, Mt. Sacred Eagle.









Thank You For 6 Months as Traineee

October 2019


When all the people under heaven and the various schools of Buddhism are converted to the one vehicle teaching the Lotus Sutra, when only the Lotus Sutra flourishes and all the people recite “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo” in unison, the howling wind will not blow on the branch-es, falling rain will not erode the soil, and the world will become as ideal as during the reigns of Emperors Fu-hsi and Shen-nung of ancient China. A time is coming when calamities cease to exist, people live long, people and the land they live in become eternal. There should be no doubt about the peaceful life in this world as promised in the Lotus Sutra.



Thank you for 6 months as trainee

Rev. Jinshi Sasabe

There are two reasons why I wanted to come to Hawaii as an oversea missionary trainee for six months.

First, my cousins live in Vancouver, Canada. So, I visited them many times since I was little and went to various countries such as India with my father. That made me inter-ested in foreign culture.

Next, I trained at Ikegami Honmonji temple in Tokyo, which is one of the major temples in the Nichiren sect, for a year after graduating from university. Many foreigners came to the temple and they asked me a lot of questions about Buddhism. I couldn’t answer their questions with suf-ficient detail in English. I was very frustrated.

That’s why I came to Hawaii as an overseas missionary trainee. The training term is almost over. I had many valuable experiences that I never would have experienced in Japan. After spending almost six months here, I learned three important lessons for my future.

First, it’s important to tell my own opinion to others firmly. Second, it’s necessary to communicate with each member every time. Lastly, Bishop Kanai taught me that it’s very important to have a lot of questions about various things and always have some excitement in whatever I do.

In May 2021, we will celebrate in Hawaii the 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s birth. My training is almost over, but fortunately I will stay to help with preparation for the commemorative service in Hawaii as an assistant minister for Nichiren Mission of Hawaii.

I really appreciate all members because they are very kind to me no matter and always support the temple. I think that the role of priests is to convey the teachings of the Buddha and deliver the power of the Buddha to the people who need it. So, I will try my best to tell the merits of “Odaimoku” to as many people as possible in Hawaii.

Mr. Eric Kawatani, who is working hard for obtaining my special visa called R-1, told me that I must go back to Japan and receive the visa at the American Embassy in Tokyo. So, I must temporarily return to Japan on October 14. I will certainly come back to Nichiren Mis-sion of Hawaii after my visa is granted.

Thank you for 6 months as trainee

笹部 仁史












Restoration and Safekeeping for the Betsuin Treasures

August 2019

By Professor Shoshi Annaka, Rissho University

It was December, 2014 when our team began to research the treasures in the Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii. Since then, we visited the Betsuin and found many old but precious articles such as the statues, gohonzons and pictures that were not preserved well and damaged. They were not in good condition at all.

Rev. Gyoun Takagi started propagation in October, 1899. There were many questions about how he did it. We had understood only a few things about him. We found a diary dated April, 1912 when he moved to Honolulu. It was a diary written by ministers after he moved to Honolulu. It has been kept at the Betsuin since.

This diary was one of the most important documents to understand the history of the mission. On the first page, its title was the “Reason for Establishing a Temporary Propagation Home.” It explained in detail how he moved to Honolulu. The third page was dated April 2, 1912 and followed thereafter. The cover page was made of leather but was removed. However, it was not in too bad of condition - like pages coming off. A few data were written on paper that were inserted into the diary. These inserted pages are also important to know the history of this mission; therefore, we need to keep them properly in a special box.

Many Gohonzons were kept in the Betsuin. A few of them were mounted and framed, but most of them were kept in the open and with stains on the paper or cloth, torn, bended, or worm-eaten.

The most valuable Mandala-Gohonzon is the one that Abbot Niccho Ichikawa, the eightieth Abbot of the Minobusan Kuon-ji Temple wrote for the Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii dated May, 1924. We can see that it was created for the Betsuin and praying for member’s harmony, increasing their faith and materialization of their prayers. Another Gohonzon was also created by the 83rd Abbot of Minobusan Kuon-ji Temple, Nichiken Mochizuki. It was written for the Myo-ho-ko-fu Kai that was organized by Nichiren Shu members in Hawaii. The Myo-ho-ko-fu Kai means the Association to propagate the wonderful law.

Two other Manadala-Gohonzon were probably written to the members who used to live in Japan and came to Hawaii. One of them was written by the 70th Abbot Nissho of Minobusan Kuon-ji Temple in June, 1868; while the other was written by the 73rd Abbot Nissatsu Arai of Minobusan Kuon-ji Temple in July, 1885. Nissatsu Arai was the First Kancho of Nichiren Shu Icchiha. Other Gohonzons kept in the Betsuin were written by the head priests of Major Nichiren Temples and also by the head minister of the Betsuin.

In Japan, the Mandala-Gohonzon are kept in hanging scroll form. In Hawaii, it seems popular to keep it framed due to circumstances. However, the framed Gohonzo was originally the hanging scroll style. By changing the style from scrolled to the framed, runs the risk of damage from ultraviolet rays and moisture. So I suggest that these framed gohonzons should be changed to scroll style and kept in a special box in the appropriate environment if possible.

Through our four research visits in the past years, some of them hardly kept its original form because of damage from bugs, stains on the material of the Gohonzon and other reasons. Thus, I repeat - to do restoration works is to properly handle these precious treasures.

Currently, we tried not to advance the damage on these valuable treasures. It is just a temporary fix and not satisfactory. Thus, I wish to continue my research in order to preserve these precious treasures; to carry on to the next generation through suitable restoration works.

Study Class on Nichiren Commemorating The 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Dai’Shonin

February 2019


“Strive to carry out the two ways of practice and learning. Without practice and learning Buddhism will cease to exist. Endeavor yourself and cause others to practice these two ways of practice and learning, which stem from faith. If possible, please spread even a word or a phrase of the sutra to others. “

Shoho Jisso Sho, NICHIREN





Study Class on NICHIREN commemorating

The 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Dai’Shonin

Bishop Shokai Kanai

Our faith founder, Nichiren Dai’Shonin was born in Awa, Kominato (present Chiba Prefecture), Japan on February 16, 1222.

Nichiren Shu Shumunin (Headquarters) has been conducting many ceremonial events in all districts in Japan and overseas starting with the 100th Anniversary of Nichiren Order of North America in Los Angeles in 2014. The second to the last event will be held in Hawaii on May 16, 2021.

As you may already know, Bishop Hirai, along with the board members of Nichiren Mission of Hawaii, has planned many events and is still trying to raise funds in order to have a successful commemoration. However, in the middle of the process he and his wife returned to Japan. The committee representatives from each temple in the Hawaii district must continue to work towards this event. Time is short, even though we still have a couple years to go. Even if Headquarters want us to host one of the major events in Hawaii, if we do not know who Nichiren is and what he did for us, we cannot aim for it.

As the first step, I would like to start a study class on NICHIREN every Thursday starting on February 14th at 7 p.m. held in the library in the mansion. We will use a text book called NICHIREN by Jack Christensen who was a member of the Salt Lake Nichiren Buddhist Temple during the time I was a head minister in the 1970s. He was a high school English teacher and wrote and published a few textbooks for high school students. His way of writing was very clear, as you can imagine a beautiful scenery as you read. Although he had not been to Japan, he researched the historical background of the time Nichiren propagated the Lotus Sutra and O’Daimoku very well. Our mission has ordered ten books, so one can be purchased for $20 donation. (Nichiren Buddhist International Center also has the book for sale). The class is free. I would highly recommend everyone learn about our founder in order to strengthen our faith.

If you are interested in the class, please inform me.






 第1回は2月14日です。教科書はJack Christensen著NICHIRENを使います。国際布教センターからすでに10冊届いています。1冊20ドルです。講義は英語で行います。授業は無料です。一人でも多くの信徒が勉強会に参加される事を望みます。興味のある方は金井上人までご連絡下さい。

Installation Ceremony Message

January 2019

Bishop Shokai Kanai


I was installed as the 15th head minister of this temple on Sunday, December 9, 2018. The following is a part of the message given to the congregation.

Aloha! At the beginning of the ceremony, past Bishop Chishin Hirai handed me this HOS-SU, the symbol of the head priest of this temple. This horse tail-like Hos-su was originally used to chase away flies, mosquitos and other insects at the time of Sakyamuni Buddha, but it is now used for purification of the sanctuary. This Hos-su is inherited from the former Bishop Joyo Ogawa. You know him very well better than me. But I will tell you how we are related. Of course, he was my senior overseas minister and several years older than me. I often followed after him. He was trained as an overseas minister at the Los Angeles Nichiren Buddhist Temple in early 1960s under Bishop Ryobo Fujiwara, the head priest of the temple.

I was also trained under him at the same temple for six years from 1964 to 1970. Rev. Ogawa had been already transferred to the Salt Lake Nichiren Buddhist Temple in Utah. My first temple as a head priest was the same temple in Salt Lake City after Rev. Ogawa who had transferred to the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Temple in California. As you already know he was assigned as Bishop of Nichiren Mission of Hawaii District in 1989. Now I am HERE following after Bishop Joyo Ogawa.

Therefore, this Hos-su is very meaningful to me and to YOU!

By the way, if my memory is correct, Bishop Ogawa at the banquet of the 110th Anniversary of Nichiren Mission of Hawaii mentioned, “this temple will send the teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Shonin around the world!” I was very excited to see what he was going to do. Since then many years have passed, and he became sick and passed away. I respect him very much.

Although I do not know what he intended to do, I somehow figured out what he meant. So, I will try to accomplish his and my wish.

My goal at this temple is to educate and raise Dharma teachers, lay-leaders, substitutes of Nichiren-shu priest, part-time ministers and full-time ministers. These Dharma teachers should be American-born especially people born and raised in HAWAII. What I mean of the part-time ministers will be someone who has a steady job and steady income. So, he or she does not have to depend on pay from a temple or mission. These good candidates are senior citizens who are in or near retirement. When I talk about a full-time minister, it may take five to six years at least and cost a lot of money for his or her education and travelling expenses to Japan several times before completing Shin-gyo Dojo. In order to materialize Bishop Ogawa’s and my WISH, I must educate and train all of you little by little. If you are interested in or have some idea on this program, please let me know.

The future of Nichiren temples in Hawaii relies on THEM! Great Bodhisattva Nichiren Dai’Shonin said in Shoho Jisso Sho, “Strive to carry out the two ways of practice and learning. Without practice and learning Buddhism will cease to exist. Endeavor yourself and cause others to practice these two ways of practice and learning which stem from faith. If possible, please spread even a word or a phrase of the Lotus Sutra to others.”

This message if from our founder, the Great Bodhisattva Nichiren Dai’Shonin.

Thank you very much for listening. MAHALO!

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo