Thank You For 6 Months as Traineee

October 2019


When all the people under heaven and the various schools of Buddhism are converted to the one vehicle teaching the Lotus Sutra, when only the Lotus Sutra flourishes and all the people recite “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo” in unison, the howling wind will not blow on the branch-es, falling rain will not erode the soil, and the world will become as ideal as during the reigns of Emperors Fu-hsi and Shen-nung of ancient China. A time is coming when calamities cease to exist, people live long, people and the land they live in become eternal. There should be no doubt about the peaceful life in this world as promised in the Lotus Sutra.



Thank you for 6 months as trainee

Rev. Jinshi Sasabe

There are two reasons why I wanted to come to Hawaii as an oversea missionary trainee for six months.

First, my cousins live in Vancouver, Canada. So, I visited them many times since I was little and went to various countries such as India with my father. That made me inter-ested in foreign culture.

Next, I trained at Ikegami Honmonji temple in Tokyo, which is one of the major temples in the Nichiren sect, for a year after graduating from university. Many foreigners came to the temple and they asked me a lot of questions about Buddhism. I couldn’t answer their questions with suf-ficient detail in English. I was very frustrated.

That’s why I came to Hawaii as an overseas missionary trainee. The training term is almost over. I had many valuable experiences that I never would have experienced in Japan. After spending almost six months here, I learned three important lessons for my future.

First, it’s important to tell my own opinion to others firmly. Second, it’s necessary to communicate with each member every time. Lastly, Bishop Kanai taught me that it’s very important to have a lot of questions about various things and always have some excitement in whatever I do.

In May 2021, we will celebrate in Hawaii the 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s birth. My training is almost over, but fortunately I will stay to help with preparation for the commemorative service in Hawaii as an assistant minister for Nichiren Mission of Hawaii.

I really appreciate all members because they are very kind to me no matter and always support the temple. I think that the role of priests is to convey the teachings of the Buddha and deliver the power of the Buddha to the people who need it. So, I will try my best to tell the merits of “Odaimoku” to as many people as possible in Hawaii.

Mr. Eric Kawatani, who is working hard for obtaining my special visa called R-1, told me that I must go back to Japan and receive the visa at the American Embassy in Tokyo. So, I must temporarily return to Japan on October 14. I will certainly come back to Nichiren Mis-sion of Hawaii after my visa is granted.

Thank you for 6 months as trainee

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