Even You Can Become a Nichiren Shu Minister

December 2021


“Strive to carry out the two ways of practice and learning. Without practice and learning, Buddhism will cease to exist. Endeavor yourself and cause others to practice these two ways of practice and learning which stem from faith. If possible, spread even a word or a phrase of the sutra to others.”

Nichiren’s Words, “Shoho Jisso Sho”






Bishop Shokai Kanai

This will be my third-year anniversary since I was installed as the Head Priest of Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii. But do you recall my installation message on December 9, 2018?

I said, “My goal at this temple is to educate and raise Dharma teachers, lay-leaders, substitutes of Nichiren Shu priests, part-time ministers, and full-time ministers. These Dharma teachers should be American born especially people born and raised in Hawaii.”

Since my installation, Shami Shougou (Mr. Kalei Kini) vowed to be trained as a priest on February 16, 2020. He missed DOCHO-KOFU (official recognition ceremony to be held at Mt. Kiyosumi), twice already because of COVID-19 travel restrictions. Since he retired in December 2020, he has come to this temple every morning, chants together with me, and helps to keep our temple clean and neat for everyone.

There is another person who will be fully retired at the end of this year. Ms. Claire Ariyoshi will take the oath to be trained as an assistant minister on January 22, 2022. Another candidate will be Mr. Mikio Tomioka who is an immigrant from Japan and has lived in Hawaii for many years. Both have been training to assist me together with Shougou Kini since 2019.

So, if you are interested in becoming a priest, a part-time minister is someone who has a steady job and a steady income, so they are not dependent on the salary from a temple or a mission. In other words, you will be a minister on the weekend but still keep your job during the week. Or you may be a retiree looking for a more meaningful life other than traveling or watching the grandkids - so you too can be a minister serving the temple on a part time basis.

But, if you would like to dedicate your life and become a full-time minister, it takes a minimum of five to six years of training and education, many travels to Japan, and the rigorous completion of Shingyo Dojo (the official 35-day training at Mt. Minobu).

Now, I am looking for a college student or a college graduate who wishes to become a Nichiren Shu priest and I am hoping that our temple directors will invest in such a candidate financially after the 800 Year Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s Birthday. This young candidate needs to overcome many hardships physically, mentally, and financially. They must go to a Japanese language school in Japan for one year and must be trained at a temple like Minobusan Kuonji Temple in Japan for three or four years. They may also take the TOKUDO (oath to become a Nichiren Shu priest) on January 22, 2022. So, if you know of a young candidate, please notify me by the end of this year, so I can order the white and black robes together among other things. And good news for females – they do not need to cut their hair!

“I am committed to educate and train all of you, little by little. That is my goal at Nichiren Mission of Hawaii.” - Bishop Shokai Kanai










 現在大学に在籍中か既に卒業した青年男女で「ハワイの人々の為に日蓮宗僧侶に志願したい方」は今年末までに金井勝海に相談して下さい。 来年1月22日の得度式に間に合うよう白衣と黒衣を注文しなければなりません。
