Guardian Deity or Shugo-Jin

April 2022


(Kegon Sutra says): When everyone is born, there are two heavenly divine messengers named, DOSHO and DOMYO TENS OR Gods of THE SAME BIRTH and SAME NAME with you. As your shadow always follows you, the two messengers will follow you at every moment. They take turns reporting all of your behavior, good or bad to the higher heavenly beings. Thus, your warm-hearted conducts are well known among the heavenly beings. I am very proud of you.

Nichiren "Dosho Domyo Gosho" at Ichinosawa, Sado





Guardian deity or SHUGO-JIN

Rev. Shokai Kanai

This month's Sacred Word is a letter addressed to the wife of Kingo Shijo, who sent her husband to visit their exiled master, Nichiren Dai’Shonin on Sado Island in April 1272. It was very difficult for everyone to believe in the Lotus Sutra during the Mappo Era, but the couple continued to have their strong faith towards Nichiren and supported him from the bottom of their hearts. The saint showed his appreciation to Kingo’s wife for sending her husband on a difficult journey to Sado Island. Because the heavenly beings know all of their behaviors, Nichiren encouraged them to continue their devotion to the Lotus Sutra and Odaimoku.

By the way, the United States was founded in part by the Puritans, who incorporated their omniscient and omnipotent God as the guardian deity of the nation. We recite the Pledge of Allegiance before we start an important event and praise God and the nation. With monotheism, God of the region and the individual is the same. However, Buddhism teaches the Law of Cause and Effect, that all things appear and disappear because of their conditions. There are many gods who protect our country, region, buildings, families, and individuals. In Nichiren sect, gods who protect the followers of the Lotus Sutra and the practitioners of the sutra are called SHUGO-JIN or guardian deities.

There are many Shugo-jin in Buddhism, but there are differences in power of protection such as low, middle, and high levels. There is also a superior level, too. In Chapter 26 of the Lotus Sutra the five guardian deities gave us dharani spells to the expounder of the Dharma to protect him or her. They are Medicine-King Bodhisattva, Brave-In-Giving Bodhisattva, Vaisravana Heavenly King, World-Holding Heavenly-King, and Ten Rakasais with the Mother-Of-Devil (Kishimo-jin). All of them vowed to Sakyamuni Buddha to protect the good men or women who keep, read, or recited even a single gatha of the Lotus Sutra, understood the meaning of it or acted according to it.

In all Nichiren Missions of Hawaii and the Honolulu Myohoji, they enshrine Kishimo-jin and Deity Seisho-ko. Besides them, the Deity Daikoku and Deity Shichimen are also enshrined in the Hilo Nichiren Mission.

Well, who are your guardian deity besides DOSHO and DOMYO TEN? You do not need to know their names, but you are surely protected by your Shugo-jin day and night just like Mr. & Mrs. Kingo Shijo. Please realize that they and you are also blessed with the Source of the Universal Energy called “Myoho” 妙法 day and night.

All Nichiren Shu members often hold memorial services. Do you remember which ancestor took care of you the most? I believe these ancestors are also taking care of you from the spiritual realm. Show appreciation towards them, although you may never notice their presence just as you do not realize that your life is sustained by air (oxygen) and water.


守 護 神




 一般的には国家や地域や個人を護る神を守護神と言います。ピューリタンによって築きあげられたアメリカ合衆国の守護神は全知全能の神です。ですから、大事な行事を始める前には、必ず国歌を唄い神を讃えます。一神教ですから地域や個人の神も同じThe GODです。仏教は、全ての物は「縁により生じ、縁によって滅す」という因果応報の法則を説きますので、創造主としてのGODは信じませんが、私達の国や地域や建物や家族・個人を護る神々様の存在は信じています。また複数の神々がいますから、守護神も大勢います。日蓮宗では特に法華経と法華経信者を守護する諸天善神を守護神としています。

