Happy New Year! (To win against COVID-19 is to appreciate more. Odaimoku is a spell to become happier)

January 2021


[This person] will be able to eliminate the darkness, Of the living beings of the world where [they] walk about, Just as the light of the sun and moon, Eliminate all darkness.

Lotus Sutra, Chapter 21


日月の光明が世間の暗闇を除く事が出来るように、 この人は衆生の心の暗闇を除く事ができます。



Rev. Shokai Kanai

According to a Japanese astrological calendar, 2021 is the Sixth Star in the Nine Star Fortune and 辛丑 (Kanoto Ushi) in the Zodiac Calendar. Kanoto means distress. Ushi or the year of Ox denotes the hours between 1 AM and 3 AM, as well as early spring. Thus, the planted seeds in soil are in the beginning process of germination. These special calendars suggest that 2021 will still be a continuation of the current pandemic.

What is COVID-19 trying to tell us? I guess that the Era of Materialism has comes to an end. We thought that money could buy anything in the past, especially after the WWII.

Many people talk about the Era of Spiritualism is coming. I agree. Oahu Island where my wife and I live has ocean, rivers, and mountains full of green trees. It seems to be a paradise for us. Especially Nuuanu, where Nichiren Mission of Hawaii is located, has two famous forest hiking trails that I hike for therapeutic purposes. The thick trees embrace me as if I am living together with nature. I receive their rejuvenating energy to re-charge my batteries.

In the above sacred words from the Lotus Sutra; “[This person] will be able to eliminate the darkness, Of the living beings,” is Nichiren Shonin, the founder of the Odaimoku. He gave us the medicine to eliminate all our sufferings. Most Nichiren Shu deceased members receive their Buddhist Names included with “Nichi” just like Nichiren. This is for our assurance in becoming Buddhas in the future.

To win against COVID-19, it is important for us to appreciate more of nature and the great universe. Since I completed the first Nichiren Shu 100 Days ARAGYO Training at the age of 29, I have been chanting the above quotation, “Nyo Nichi Gak-ko Myo, No Jo Sho Yu Myo, Shi Nin Gyo Se Ken, No Mes-Shu Jo An” (DHARMA, p. 48) as a special spell a few times a day facing either to the sun or the moon. I also copy the baby Buddha statue pose of pointing with my right index finger to the sky while pointing my left index finger to the earth. I recite, “From heaven to the earth, I am the most honored one!” I bring in the father universal energy from above and scoop up the mother earth energy from the ground with both my hands. This is my way of showing appreciation to the universe and nature, in that we all live together. This is a way to keep healthy and act energetically.

Another of my methods of living together in the universe is as follows: From about five days before the full moon, I face towards the moon each night. I repeatedly say that my wish has just been fulfilled. (Do not try after the full moon because the shape has already begun to shift.) Most of my long-term goals were realized in this manner. Moreover, my missionary work in Hawaii has materialized for me without expectation. The Lotus Sutra says in Chapter Four, “…the great treasures of the King of the Dharma have come to us although we did not seek them,” If you recite the above-mentioned Sacred Words for many decades, you will receive more than you expected in the future.

Would you like to follow my example by repeating the Sacred Words starting from New Year’s Day? Over 40 years has passed since I began this endeavor; therefore, I like to say, “To continue is the source of great power!”








 今後、疫病に打ち勝つためには、自然と大宇宙に感謝することが大切と思います。私は、29歳で日蓮宗大荒行堂を成満した時から、太陽と月に向い上記の法華経の呪文「如日月光明 能除諸幽冥 斯人行世間 能滅衆生闇」を毎日数回唱えています。その上、釈尊がご降誕なされた時になされたように、右手人指し指を天に向け、左人差し指を地に向け「天上天下 唯我独尊」と口の中で唱えて、大宇宙のエネルギーを体いっぱいに吸い込んで大宇宙と大自然に感謝しています。

 また、満月が近づくと、お月様に向かって自分が将来実現したい願望を「今まさに成就したように」唱えて感謝します。こうして私はほぼ自分が思った通りの人生を送っています。さらにハワイでの布教活動は求めてもいなかった事が実現したのです。まさに法華経で説かれている「無量珍宝 不求自得」です。「求めなくても宝が与えられる」という意味です。上記の聖語を真面目に長年唱えていると、自分のノゾミ以上の事が実現します。
