Daily Service Book (Newly published book to practice chanting at home)

March 2022


“I accepted your offertory for the 13th Year Memorial service for your father. For acknowledgement I copied Hoben-pon and send it to you. Please read it with Jigage that I sent before. Each character of the Lotus Surra is a living Buddha. For example, the ordinary people can only see it as a letter, blind people cannot see it at all, Shōmon and Engaku people see it as “Empty-ness”, Bodhisattvas see it a Buddha Dharma, and Buddhas see it as a Golden colored living Buddha.”

Nichiren, Letter to Soya Nyudo (March, Bun’ei 1275)





Rev. Shokai Kanai

I hope all subscribers of our monthly newsletter have received the newly published service book called “Daily Service Book”. If you have not received it yet, please let us know especially, those who subscribe to the newsletter only via email.

This booklet was created for you to practice chanting at home every day and/or evening. If you are not familiar with chanting, please join our Monday 7PM Chanting Class via ZOOM.* Each class is about 30 minutes. It is aimed for beginners. We practice reading each chapter of the Lotus Sutra slowly, so everyone can join and have fun chanting together. When you chant it every day, you will realize that you are always protected by divine beings.

This service book was published to commemorate the 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Nichiren Shonin. The original idea was to publish a GATHA book revising the green book, HASU NO OSHIE. We used that book in the 1960s when I was an assistant minister at the Los Angeles Nichiren Shu Betsuin. I know almost all ministers in Hawaii and the mainland listed on page 94 of that book. During my six years there, the L.A. temple held four Sunday school classes every week for different age groups like pre-school, elementary lower grade, upper grade, and Jr. YBA levels. There were 60 to 70 Sunday school children at that time. Therefore, I was one of two drivers who picked up and dropped off the children every Sunday.

During my over three years of missionary work in Hawaii, I met several Sansei and Yonsei members who did not understand Japanese but held daily services at their homes using a Japanese book written in HIRA-GANA. They remember their parents or grandparents practicing chanting at their homes. Although their loved ones passed away, these descendants continue to copy their ancestors by chanting daily the sutra and Odaimoku. Isn’t it wonderful?

So, I thought. “wouldn’t it be great if we made a chanting book in English and Japanese ROMAJI to be used at their home daily?”

I believe due to COVID, we cannot expect near full capacity of attendees at our Sunday services but, the peo-ple can still attend the service through the internet on ZOOM and practice the daily service at their homes even after the pandemic. I think Sunday service style at temples will change in the near future.

If you would like to learn how to use the book or how to hold a daily service at home, please join the 7pm Chanting Class every Monday evening through Zoom, “ID: 722 0124 8932. Password: 4V35nU”, or by phone, call: +1-408-638-0968, Meeting ID: 722-0124-8932# and Password:836819#. To mute or to unmute your phone: press *6.

As you read the above Nichiren Shonin’s letter to Soya Nyudo, I recommend you read Chapter 2 (HO BEN PON), Chapter 16 (JIGA-GE), and chant Odaimoku daily.



ハワイ日蓮宗別院の毎月の寺報のすべての購読者は「DAILY SERVICE BOOK」と呼ばれる新しく出版された小冊子を受け取った事と思います。 まだ受け取っていない方は別院までお知らせ下さい、すぐに郵送します。特にEmailで購読する方で受け取っていない方はお知らせください。

この小冊子は、毎朝夕に自宅で読経するためのものです。 このお経本をどのように使うのか、わからない方は、月曜日の午後7時のチャンティング・クラスにZOOM* INして下さい。毎回約30分で終わります。 初心者向けです。法華経を


本書は、日蓮大聖人ご生誕800年を記念して出版されました。当初のアイデアは、半世紀以上前に出版された緑色の表紙のHASU NO OSHIEを改訂出版する計画でした。私がロサンゼルス日蓮宗別院で主任補佐をしていた1960年代に同じ本を使っていましたから、この本の94ページに記載されているハワイと米国本土のほとんどの開教師を知っています。ロス別院の日曜学校には、当時幼稚園児、小学年下級生、上級生、中学生、Jr.YBA等レベルの異なる年齢層のクラスが4組ありました。日曜学校の子どもは60~70人いましたので、私は毎週日曜日に何人かの子供を迎えに行く2人の運転手のうちの1人でした 。

3年以上ハワイで布教活動をしていますが、日本語が分からない三世と四世のメンバーに会い、ひらがなと日本語の経本を使って毎日自宅で読経している信徒がいる事に気が付きました。 両親や祖父母が家で唱える姿を見ていてそれを続けています。祖父母、父母はずっと前に亡くなっていますが、子孫が真似て自らお経をあげています。 なんと素晴らしい事でしょう。



本の使い方や自宅で毎日のサービスを行う方法を学びたい場合は、*ズームミーティング「ID:722 0124 8932、Pass Word:4V35nU 」を通じて、毎週月曜日の夕方午後7時の読経練習にご参加ください。電話で参加の場合は( +1-408-638-0968, ID: 722-0124-8932# と Passowrd:836819#.を押すとつながります。電話をミュートまたはミュート解除するには:*6。
