Archbishop Nissho Kanno's Goshinkyo (Dharma Talk) (800th Anniversary)

February 2022

Archbishop Nissho Kanno’s GOSHINKYO (Dharma Talk)

In 2021 Nichiren Shu celebrated the 800th Birth Anniversary of our founder Nichiren Shonin. Many grand ceremonial events were held across Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the south, marking the occasion. Overseas events were held in South America and Southeast Asia, all to express gratitude to our founder and to reaffirm our faith in which priests and devotees as one, made an oath to convey the heart of Nichiren Shonin in this chaotic world.

The Nichiren Missions of Hawaii made plans to hold a grand ceremony celebration that would bring together leaders of Nichiren Shu, Shomyoshi and Shuhoshi priests for Nichiren Shu members and followers in Hawaii. Due to current conditions however, the ceremony was held at Ikegami Honmonji Temple. A video recording is used by Kokusai Fukyoshi and Nichiren Shu members at their grand ceremony in Hawaii.

800 years ago, our founder Nichiren Shonin was born in Kominato area of Chiba Prefecture in a world full of natural disasters and inequality, where the nobility and samurai ruled society. Nichiren Shonin took his Buddhist vows and studied at Seichoji Temple, Kamakura, Kyoto and Nara but realized, the Buddhism of that time could not save people. After spending 20 years studying all the sutras to find the one teaching that could help people and address the turmoil of society, he reached the conclusion that the Lotus Sutra contained the Buddha’s true intention.

The teachings of the Lotus Sutra with Odaimoku chanting were the “good medicine” and precious treasure to help the people of Japan and the world. Nichiren Shonin stood and declared, “I will never break my vow to become the pillar of Japan, to become the eyes of Japan, and to become a great vessel for Japan” and will work to spread peace through the country by establishing the true dharma.

The grand ceremony celebrating the 800th birth anniversary is not just celebrating a birthday. Each one of us, priests, members, and devotees must accept Nichiren Shonin’s vow as our own in face of the continuous natural calamities and wars on a global scale and confusion in our hearts here at home. Now is the time for us to be resolute and choose a world of peace powered by our faith in the Lotus Sutra and Odaimoku.

To all temples, sangha event places and followers participating today, kindly take the precious opportunity of this grand ceremony to come together and realize the great peaceful world shown to us by Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Shonin. I look forward to our future devotement.

In closing, I would like to mention the 2003 Grand Ceremony commemorating the centennial of propagation in Hawaii conducted by the Venerable Rev. Nikko Fujii, 49th Archbishop of Nichiren Shu and Chief Abbot of Minobusan Kuonji Temple. I took part as the Propagations Department Manager and it left a deep impression on me. I also can never forget the ecstasy of keeping a promise to teach Shodaigyo to the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii members shortly after my installment at Ikegami Honmonji Temple and practicing the Odaimoku with them for three days. I was especially looking forward to coming to Hawaii for a third time to participate in the ceremony but, due to the COVID pandemic it was not to be. And so, I kindly ask the members of the Hawaii Mission Community to understand that it is with these thoughts and feelings in my heart that I conduct this ceremony, dedicated along with this address in gratitude.


By: Bishop Shokai Kanai

I deeply appreciate all of you, locally and overseas, who contributed to the success of the YouTube broadcast, “The Commemorative Ceremony of the 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Shonin’s Birth – Live from Hawaii,” this past Sunday, January 23, 2022.

The temple building was newly painted, the floors were shiny and waxed, the ten red and white Odaimoku banners representing each of the five Nichiren Missions in Hawaii were waving in the breeze and the Hawaiian and chrysanthemum flowers decorated the altar beautifully and in amazing colors. Twenty-five members from the local missions who attended in person with over one hundred people from around the world on YouTube, participated as the ceremony at the Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii was broadcasted side by side with the service conducted in Japan.

The distinguished Archbishop of our order, his Holiness, Benevolent Nissho Kanno, officiated the Grand Ceremony from his temple at Ikegami Honmon-ji in Tokyo Japan. Locally, Reverend Yamamura and I assisted him together with three Shamis and the members who attended in person. We recited the Lotus Sutra and chanted the Odaimoku in unison with the Archbishop Kanno.

Even with the COVID restrictions, through the technology of YouTube, we were all able to be of one mind praying and chanting as Nichiren Dai’Shonin would have wished.

If you have not watched it, you can still see this amazing and heartfelt celebration on YouTube by clicking this link:

OR search YouTube for #nichiren800hawaii