June 2020
Rivers come together to form an ocean. Particles of dust accumulate to become Mt. Sumeru. When I, Nichiren, began having faith in the Lotus Sutra, it was like a drop of water or a particle of dust in Japan. However, when the sutra is chanted and transmitted to two, three, ten, a million, and a billion people, it will grow into a Mt. Sumeru of perfect enlightenment or great ocean of Nirvana. There is no way other than this to reach Buddhahood.
Nichiren - Senji Sho
Chanting followed by Dharma Talk
Rev. Shokai Kanai
COVID-19 changed the lifestyles for many people around the world. The lockdown has created an environment to better care for nature. We realized the earth needed a rest too. As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, we would have a better society by not damaging the earth. This change comes to our temple, too. Our temple was mainly for local people in Hawaii; however it evolved to reach more people around the world.
In April, one of my friends living in the Los Angeles area suggested creating a Zoom video meeting. My son in Maui set up a Zoom account on my personal computer. I started using Zoom on May 7th and 14th for our Thursday Study Class on the Lotus Sutra, then for Chanting on May 11th and 18th and finally for Sunday services on May 10th and 17th. There were more than ten people who participated, not only from Honolulu but also from Hilo, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo. Thank you very much for your participation.
Anyone interested in either services or classes can participate. The maximum number of participant is 100, so there is plenty of room to join. Would you like to be one of them? If so, please create an account with www.zoom.us and send your email address to: nichiren@hawaiiantel.net to receive our meeting ID and password.
The schedule is as follows:
Mondays 7 p.m. - 30-minute Service using DHARMA (blue book): A short Dharma Talk followed by question and answer session. If you do not have a DHARMA book, please purchase one at Nichiren Mission of Hawaii. It costs $20.
Thursdays 7 p.m. - Study Class on the Lotus Sutra: Since many new friends are anticipated, I will start the Study Class from the very beginning. This is review for regular students but may be a good chance to reexamine earlier chapters. The textbooks we will read are the LOTUS SUTRA, translated by Senchu Murano (third edition) and the Introduction to the LOTUS SUTRA, by Shinjo Suguro. Both can be purchased at www.nichiren-shu.org/store/sutra-ref. Other teaching materials will be provided by me.
We already have more than ten people connecting in the test meetings. Services and classes will officially start on May 25th and on May 28th. If you would like to join us, please reach out to Nichiren Mission of Hawaii via email to receive your Meeting ID and Password. This program is open to everyone around the world.
Nichiren Dai'Shonin started chanting Odaimoku by himself. Then more and more people joined in and are now chanting as he predicted on Senji-sho. We can all help spread Odaimoku to all corners of the world by sharing the Zoom meeting information with your relatives and friends. We can create happiness within ourselves as well as spread to others. As Nichiren Dai’Shonin stated, “There is no way other than this to reach Buddhahood.”
実際にテストをしてみると、ホノルルの信者様だけでなく、ヒロ、ロスアンゼルス、サンフランシスコ、東京からも参加して下さった方が10名以上おりました。参加された方々に感謝申し上げます。5月25日と28日から正式に毎週月曜日午後7時に読経と木曜日午後7時より勉強会を開催します。興味ある方はハワイ日蓮宗別院のEメールアドレスをとおして参加申し込みをして下さい。返信でMeeting IDとパスワードを差し上げます。
2、木曜日の勉強会には村野宣忠訳 the LOTUS SUTRA, 第3版と勝呂信勝著Introduction to the LOTUS SUTRA が必要です。購入方法は加州ヘイワード市日蓮宗国際布教センター、NBIC ONLINE STORE を検索し “Lotus” をクリックしますと、手続きができます。
今月の聖語は『撰時抄』です。日蓮大聖人がお題目を唱えられた時は、たったお1人でしたが、二人・三人・十人・百千万億人と唱えるようになりました。このズームのプログラムは世界中からアクセスできます。素晴らしと思いませんか?どうぞ、お子様、お孫様にこのプログラムの事を知らせて上げて下さい。皆でお題目を唱えるて幸せになりしょう。 合掌