The Challenge to Make It Rain (Severe drought of 1271)

September 2021


I still remember vividly how you accompanied me to Tatsunokuchi holding a horse by the bridle, and breaking into tears when I was about to be beheaded there. I will never forget this no matter how many lifetimes come and go. If by chance you should fall into hell, I will refuse the invitation of Sakyamuni Buddha to become a Buddha. Instead, I will go to hell with you. If we both entered hell, how could it be possible that we would not find Sakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra there? Nichiren, Sushun Teno Gosho





The Challenge to Make it Rain

Rev. Shokai Kanai

According to US Drought Monitor, ninety percent of the Western states are in severe drought. Farmers and ranchers are suffering. Everyone is facing water cutbacks. We live in Hawaii, a paradise with lots of rain. However, most of our food depends on the US mainland especially from these western states.

In 1271 extreme drought beset Japan. Due to a continuous drought, the Kamakura Shogunate ordered Ryokan-bo Ninsho of Gokurakuji Temple to pray for rain. Ryokan was a Buddhist priest who observed the 250 monastic precepts and constructed many roads and bridges. So, he was revered by the people as a living Buddha. The prayer for rain was scheduled for one week, Nichiren Shonin took advantage of the situation and sent a letter to the priest, “If you pray for rain and after seven days are successful; I, Nichiren, will become your disciple, take the 250 precepts, and cease saying that the Pure-Land teachings lead to the Hell of Incessant Suffering. If rain does not fall, you will become my disciple. I will teach you how to make it rain.” Not only was there no rain, but instead, a strong windstorm began to ravage the area instead. Nichiren gave him another seven days for him to make it rain. No sign of rain. Then, Nichiren took it upon himself and began to pray for rain near a pond asking for assistance from all the Dragon King Deities. That evening rain fell to nourish the dry earth and thirsty souls.

Defeated and having lost face, Ryokan spoke with the eminent priests of all the other schools. They submitted a false suit against Nichiren to the Shogunate. One of the charges was that Nichiren stored arms. When his samurai followers gathered to listen his Dharma Talks, they naturally carried their swords. But these high-ranking priests claimed it was a terrorist gathering.

On September 12, 1271, at 4 PM, Hei-no-Saemon-no-jo Yoritsuna, chief of military and police affairs, brought several hundred soldiers, attacked the hermitage and arrested Nichiren Shonin. It was officially decided to exile Nichiren to Sado Island; however, there was a private scheme to execute him along the way to the residence of Lord Honma, who oversaw Sado Island.

Nichiren Shonin was put astride a saddleless horse and paraded through the street like a common criminal. As they were about to pass the Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine, he requested the procession to stop. Facing the shrine he declared, “Here stands the sole practitioner for the Lotus Sutra who is about to be beheaded. Are you a real god who has promised to protect the practitioner for the Lotus Sutra? … Do something in hurry or I shall report to Lord Sakyamuni Buddha on Mount Sacred Eagle when I go there!”

Hearing that his master was to be executed, Shijo Kingo and his brothers rushed to Nichiren’s procession and seized the bridle. He already decided to commit seppuku to serve his master even after his death. The Sacred Words in this newsletter was given to Shijo Kingo on September 11th at Minobu seven years after the incident. These words show how Nichiren felt about his follower’s sincerity and appreciation. It is oneness with the master and the followers.

At 2 AM on September 13th, the entourage brought Nichiren to Tatsunokuchi Execution ground. They decided to execute him there.

Now, is this the end of Nichiren Shonin’s life? Please look forward to the Dharma Talk on Sunday, September 12th. Or please read page 2 of our last year September Newsletter.





 日蓮大聖人ご存命の1271年に極端な干ばつが日本を襲いました。鎌倉幕府は、建長寺の良寛忍正に雨乞いの祈祷を命じました。良寛は250戒の戒律を厳守する律宗の僧侶で、道を作り川に橋を架けたり等色々な慈善事業をしていましたので多くの人々から「生き仏」と尊敬されていました。そこで良寛は1週間の雨乞いをすることを公表しました。日蓮大聖人はこの機会を利用して良寛和尚に手紙を送り「7日間以内に雨が降ったなら、日蓮はあなたの弟子になり250の戒律を守り“念仏を唱えると地獄に堕ちる”と言うのを止めましょう。 もし雨が降らなかったなら、貴殿は戒律を捨てて私の弟子になるが良いでしょう。」と挑戦しました。ところが、降雨の代わりに暴風がこの地域を荒らし始めました。日蓮大聖人は彼にもう1週間のチャンスを与えましたが、降雨の兆候はありません。そこで日蓮大聖人は、池のほとりに龍神を祀り雨乞いを始めました。その夜雨が降り、乾燥した大地と渇いた人々の魂を癒すことができました。






