Prophet Nichiren, Savior of the Mappo Era (Rishho Ankoku Ron, True Expounder of the Lotus Sutra)

October 2021


The Buddha preached in the Nirvana Sutra, “Various sufferings of all the people will be borne by Me alone.” Likewise, I now declare, “All the sufferings of all the people going to hell will all be borne by Nichiren alone.”

Kangyo Hachiman-Sho, Nichiren





Prophet Nichiren, Savior of the Mappo Era

Rev. Shokai Kanai

From the February issue of this year, I have been writing about Nichiren Dai’Shonin almost every month in accordance with when he was being persecuted. October is the month when he passed away, but I have not yet mentioned a few important matters. They are the materialization of his prediction about foreign invasion described in Rissho Ankoku Ron which came eight years later and Nichiren Shonin becoming the real expounder of the Lotus Sutra.

In last month's issue, I mentioned that one of the reasons for the Tatsu-no-kuchi Persecution was his victory in challenging to make it rain, but another reason was that the prophecy of the attack from a foreign country in "Rissho Ankoku Ron” came to reality. A few official messengers from Mongolia came to Kamakura demanding tributes. Thus, Nichiren sent letters to eleven people, including the Kamakura Shogunate, Ryokan of Gokuraku-ji Temple and other high rank priests in Kamakura. It said, "If you do not immediately reconsider your faith in the Nembutsu and Zen and change to the Lotus Sutra, Mongolia will attack Japan and this country will be destroyed."

In response, the priests issued a false lawsuit to the shogunate, and the government decided to exile Nichiren to Sado Island. On the way, Yoritsuna, driven by with his own hatred, tried to execute Nichiren. But the execution was suddenly interrupted by a miraculous fireball which flew from Enoshima Island where a Deity Dragon is enshrined. The execution failed and the exile continued towards Sado Island.

From this miracle, Nichiren was awakened to the realization that he was the rebirth of Jogyo or Superior-Practice Bodhisattva predicted in Chapter 15 of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren said in Kaimokusho, “A man called Nichiren was beheaded at Tatsu-no-kuchi, a little after midnight of the twelfth day of the ninth month of the last year. His soul remained and came here to the island of Sado.” This is similar to when Jesus Christ was crucified but resurrected three days later.

In Christianity, just as Jesus carried the sins of all men, Nichiren shouldered all the sins of the people in the Mappo Era as stated in this month’s Sacred Words. The great sins for which Nichiren bore were to speak ill of the Lotus Sutra, to ignore Sakyamuni Buddha and the Lotus Sutra, and to cause disturbance to the expounders of the Lotus Sutra. This means that all people who persecuted him will also be able to be saved if they chant the Odaimoku sincerely. Thus, it says, “We can expiate our past transgressions, do good deeds, and attain Buddhahood by the merit of this sutra. It does not matter whether we are wise or not, or whether we believe the sutra or slander it,” in Verses for Opening the Sutra.

In other words Nichiren was the Buddhist savior for all people in the Mappo Era.

I think we must be more aware of the greatness of Nichiren and seriously recite the Odaimoku. I hope everyone understands him much better than before.








