May 2019
This world of mine is peaceful. It is filled with gods and men. The gardens, forest and stately building are adorned with various treasurers; the jeweled trees have many flowers and fruits. The living beings are enjoying themselves. And the gods are beating heavenly drums making various kinds of music and raining mandarava-flowers on the great multitude and me.
Chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra
我此土安穏 天人常充満 園林諸堂閣 種々宝荘厳 宝樹多華果 衆生所遊楽 常作衆伎楽 憂曼陀羅華 散佛及大衆
Rev. Shokai Kanai
It has been five months since I was installed as a head priest at Nichiren Sect Mission of Hawaii. I already held nine funeral services for the members of this temple. My task as a Nichiren Sect priest is to lead these souls to the spiritual realm where the Eternal Buddha and Saint Nichiren are preaching the Lotus Sutra in the past, present and future. It is called Mt. Sacred Eagle.
Where is this mountain? It is in India where Shakyamuni Buddha had revealed the Lotus Sutra during his last nine years before his death. Nichiren Dai’Shonin expounded the sutra at Mount Minobu for nine years before his Nirvana. The saint said that Mount Minobu might be equal value or more important than that sacred mountain in India. Therefore, many followers of Nichiren Buddhists had been, were, and will be buried or placed their urns at Kuonji Temple in Mount Minobu physically.
However, spiritually Mount Sacred Eagle is not only in India or Minobu, Japan. Please image how our temple altar is decorated and honored. A big stupa written “NA-MU-MYO-HO-REN-GE-KYO” sits on the center of the high altar. At both sides of the Odaimoku stupa two Buddha statues sit side by side. They are Shakyamuni (on your left side facing the statues) and Many Treasurers Buddha on the right. Nichiren Dai’Shonin sits in front of them at the center. The Mandala Gohonzon of the Ten Realms is enshrined behind the statues. The Gohonzon and the statues symbolize Mount Sacred Eagle. As the sacred words above described the altar of our temple adorned with golden ornaments hanging from the ceiling, as if many golden flower petals of mandalava raining down on the stage. Fruits, dry food, beautiful flowers are always offered at the altar. Priests play many musical instruments such as a gong, a bell, a mokushi for rhythm of chanting. The priests and congregation are enjoying themselves.
Thus, our temple must be Mount Sacred Eagle. When we hold services at the Betsuin, all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Nichiren Dai’Shonin, deities, and your ancestors are gathered there and join us to recite the Lotus Sutra and O’Daimoku. Therefore, the place the souls come after their death is Mount Sacred Eagle, the Nichiren Mission of Hawaii. It is not heaven or Buddha-Land in the West. You may chant “Jigage,” the gatha of Chapter 16 at your home every morning and/or night. There are two places you read “Mt. Sacred Eagle,” please give attention to the words from now on. Although we cannot see the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Nichiren Shonin and your ancestors, they are with us just as you cannot see the electric waves of your cell phones, but when you punch in the numbers on the phone, you will be able to communicate with someone just as he or she is here.
Please remember this in your mind and chant the Sacred Words of the Lotus Sutra, O’Daimoku, at your home and temple. You always be protected by them. This is our faith.
霊 鷲 山